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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I think Congresswoman Waters acquits herself rather nicely here. Very passionate! You? I find the unhinged behavior of the left very entertaining. Guilty as charged.
  2. Which of the defense contracts Musk has been involved with are built on lies? SURELY you have an example this time.
  3. When your worldview has been blown to pieces, resort to “white trash”. Rough times for people as mentally weak as you.
  4. I quoted your post. Look up two posts from here. Here it is again. YOUR WORDS! On 5/23/2024 at 1:13 PM, daz28 said: Just pure dumbassery on your part that you delivered with an air of authority. Sad. You may notice that your Wikipedia cut and paste says absolutely nothing about 1M American nazis. Just pathetic. The subsidy for Tesla to building chargers was part of Biden’s infrastructure bill. Are you saying it’s ROBBERY?
  5. When making an absurd claim, you should be able to back it up with data. The 1 million American nazis claim was utter horsesh*t. You couldn’t back it up then and can’t now. That’s on you. The “you may not be aware” bit really adds authority though. Today’s claim is Musk ROBBED the government. Your proof is “just google Tesla global warming”. Really fine work that you do.
  6. At the time of the original discussion, I asked you to provide one single example where “one million American nazis” was documented. You couldn’t then and you can’t know. Your schtick is to make a claim with authority (but without evidence) and then go around in circles trying to prove it. Super lame.
  7. Isn’t it called climate change now? Tesla ROBBED the government. This reminds me of when you wanted people to believe you when you said America First was a movement of ONE MILLION American nazis. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻
  8. Describe the robbery of the government if you don’t mind. Would love to see some sources but suspect they aren’t available.
  9. Sorry. I’m not one to demonize successful business people. When all is said and done he will go out as one of the most impactful people that ever lived. I’m confident the overwhelming majority of his life’s work will have been for good. He’s been tasked with a job. I don’t care that he’s been the beneficiary of government pork. Hasn’t it been liberal politicians demanding more EV’s? Rhetorical question.
  10. There is now scrutiny of government spending the likes of which has never happened before. The only people that appear to be upset by it are liberals. Interesting situation. Do you have someone in mind that you prefer to the bad businessman?
  11. If you are good, why did you alter your words so significantly? Seems like you’re embarrassed. You should be.
  12. Now now, let’s not be fibbing again. Your words stand on their own. Seems like it would have been easy to walk them back, as repulsive as they are. Some people just don’t have it in them to do so.
  13. Knew you could spin it. Not very well but that was also expected.
  14. I would prefer a nicer nerd have his position but would also give the kid a chance to disavow the ugliness of his comments. I’m not sure younger people, like you and him, have it in them to own up to offensive comments. Is it ok for a state worker to advocate for murder of feds? I certainly wouldn’t want my state workers operating with such repellent biases.
  15. If individual choice includes vax or lose your job. Too funny.
  16. Those are horrible things to say aren’t they? I don’t think anyone would disagree. Saying you will be “very pleased” with some murders is a horrible thing to say isn’t it? I don’t think anyone, other than you, would disagree.
  17. What’s worse? Racist troll/govt employee or hoping for murder/govt employee? Equally awful? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born_to_Run_(McDougall_book) Why won’t JD stand up for his wife?Horrible! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♂️
  18. JD doesn’t mince words does he? Probably makes you long for the eloquence of Kamala Harris.
  19. Have you read Born to Run? Fantastic, quick read. if you don’t want to be accountable for the things you say, don’t say them. It’s 100% on you.
  20. “THAT’S NOT FUNNY” - roundy/redhawk/karen
  21. No comment on the preceding part of the post. Telling. If someone is found to be lying about closing on a house is that an expression of his or her character? Seems like it might be.
  22. If a government employee is found to be espousing the idea that murder of other government employees would please them, is that an expression of his or her character? Should that person face consequences? seems like you want JD Vance and others to make governmental decisions based on personal feelings. That’s weird.
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