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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Like everyone else here, I enjoy throwing a few jabs. Unlike the lefties here, and you, I don’t bang the same tired drum over and over. How many “Trump bad” posts have you made this week? On a percentage basis, have your posts been 100% “Trump bad”? I suspect so. Boring.
  2. It’s just that you seem a little unwound. I’m concerned about your ability to make it through the next 46.5 months. “Trump/maga are horrible” will get you only so far. Hang in there.
  3. How much of your day is spent thinking about Trump? Are you ever upset with yourself for being so mentally weak to let him under your skin so badly? You shouldn’t feel bad, you’ve got tens of millions of people in the same boat.
  4. Reading can be difficult. I expressed no opinion. I was interested in yours. You shirked the question. As expected.
  5. Are you supportive of the way the democrat delegation conducted themselves last night? What were you particularly impressed with?
  6. Two hugely successful government-run/subsidized endeavors! What are they thinking? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻
  7. Sending thoughts and prayers your way if and when peace breaks out. Hang in there.
  8. Unhinged petulance - can you say Redhawk/Roundy/4th/Nedboi?
  9. Start reading the posts of Tiberius and Roundy if you want to see party worship. This is some brainwashing these fools have received.
  10. This sort of content has been missed. Why the long hiatus after Brat Summer went down the sh*tter?
  11. You believe? I am always glad to know when things are, in reality, better than I realized. I will gladly, happily take the L if you have the data. Do you? I’m sorry you had to learn here that the pace of deportations under Trump is equal to the pace of deportations under Biden. Either Trump invented a problem that didn’t exist or he’s failing in his effort to solve it. You started with immigration enforcement and rapidly switched to deportations. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/illegal-crossings-plunge-to-levels-not-seen-in-decades-amid-trump-crackdown/ Wow, decades! Democrats at PPP and everywhere else said this couldn’t happen without a border bill being passed. Go figure.
  12. Smart. Did you know the Dow, NASDAQ, and S&P all performed better under Orange 1.0 than they did under the foreign policy wizard?
  13. lol. This is along the same lines as Biden’s master class. Great work!
  14. I like farmers and farming. I spent four years of my youth in a very small farming community in the middle of nowhere. I know the effort involved. I would never look down my nose at them as you, Frankish, and the racist Jew hating Nazi Mencken are apt to do. It’s gross.
  15. You seem like you are intent on justifying your adoration for a racist, Jew hating Nazi. It’s not necessary. Just tell us when it’s OK to quote a Nazi and when it’s not.
  16. You took quite an extended break from PPP once brat summer turned to sh*t. Why?
  17. You don’t have to justify your quoting of a racist, Jew-hating Nazi.
  18. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-12-05-mn-198-story.html The previously secret diary of writer and social critic H. L. Mencken discloses virulent anti-Semitism, racism and pro-Nazi leanings, shocking even the sympathetic Mencken scholar who edited it. Adoringly quoting a Jew-hating, racist, Nazi. Nobody saw that coming. Also, when he was on he was on.
  19. Six weeks is plenty of time to make a final judgement. PANIC!!
  20. The world needs fewer farmers and more urban planners that spend their work day playing on the internet. Something we can all agree on.
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