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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I commented prior to you regurgitating by bolding RUSSIA. It was in my post. The only interest I had in it was pointing out your nonsense. I actually have zero interest in tying Trump’s comments on South Africa to it being a win for PUTIN. There’s a cottage industry out there for that. It’s made up entirely of people that have gone on ad nauseam about Putin, Russia, fascists, and nazis. People like you, that now find themselves on the outside. It’s extremely boring and utter nonsense.
  2. A majority of Americans satisfied. Redhawk hardest hit.
  3. America has weighed in…after three weeks. Let’s see how it looks in three months. Or we can be excitable about eggs, starving the people of the world, or whatever the outrage of the day is.
  4. On the whole, I’m quite fine with it. I have a distrust of the creeps that have been running Washington for decades. They all seem to come out of it rather wealthy, don’t they? That others are so terrified of added scrutiny tells me all I need to know. I wish I could say it’s surprising. When one side gets all the power they usually piss it away quickly. It’s the expectation. I like the idea of striking while the iron is hot.
  5. Why don’t you just refer to the people you are concerned with rather than the all-encompassing MAGA that people like you use as a pejorative? I disagree with deep-sixing CFPB but am not apoplectic over it. There will always be things to disagree with coming out of Washington regardless of the party in charge. For instance, many people are vehemently disagreeing with putting government spending under scrutiny. How odd is that? We’ll see how things develop. I understand that’s not as emotionally satisfying as taking a knee-jerk reaction.
  6. Which “MAGAs” are hell-bent on killing it and how do they relate to the general population that voted for Trump? Is it your contention that all Trump voters march in lockstep? Is that what Biden supporters did? Seemingly. I imagine there’s a great many people that voted for Trump that disagree with this. Here’s your chance to be rational and reasonable. Your fellow ideologue went directly to Project 2025 as part of his rational and reasonable response. You should call him out.
  7. They clearly haven’t discussed this with the team of Virginia Virologists.
  8. I’m sure this is a one-off. We just have to trust that they are trying to do good.
  9. Not mentioned in the CNN link - Russia or Putin. Not mentioned in the yahoo link - Putin. Russia is mentioned in this context: The executive order also said South Africa had taken an anti-American stance — even “led the charge” — on many issues, accusing it of supporting Hamas, Russia and Iran, and being too close to China's ruling Communist Party. That you make it about PUTIN is testament to your deep thinking. Yes, that’s sarcasm. You’re such a dumbass. Amazing.
  10. The headlines in the reliable mainstream media would read “Why a Balanced Budget May Be Bad for America”.
  11. If there’s one thing that will put Joe on Mount Rushmore, it’s his defense/foreign policy team. Good heavens man. Are you serious? Even giving credit for a coordinated NATO response you are impressed with these people? Were you awake for the Afghanistan debacle? The entire Middle East disaster? The floating pier? Removing the Houthi’s from the terrorist list? Funding UNRWA? Relieving sanctions on Iran? This is the group that impressed you most? Yikes.
  12. Will do. I’m sure it’s a classic. Were there any Biden Administration officials you were particularly impressed by?
  13. Didn’t you start a thread titled “Hail to the Deep State” or something equally ridiculous? Is that only a thing when dems are in charge? Another question - you were happy to have a delusion old geezer in charge because you were confident in those around him (unelected - I know that’s a dem talking point right now). Who were some of your favorites in the last administration? What left you most impressed by them? That’s two questions.
  14. Go back to trying your hand at edgy. Thanks in advance.
  15. You won’t be ok. You will be done in by Agent Orange. Best wishes to anyone forced to be near you.
  16. I have always billieved that you and the others that present as unhinged will be ok. Starting to have my doubts. Just do your best.
  17. Hold steady big guy. You don’t want to flame out too early. 3 years 49 weeks to go.
  18. You are lapsing into the habits you displayed pre-meltdown. Steady yourself.
  19. My vision is based solely on your posting history. What else could it be based on?
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