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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. The huge crowds of people that were mocking the released hostages didn’t look that thirsty - except maybe for blood.
  2. You shouldn’t always be in a rush to diminish yourself. The next time you say something so grotesque just come back and say “I was over the top with that and would rather people not get killed”. What’s sad is that you are not man/woman/person enough to do so.
  3. This is what you said. Why are you pretending it was something else?
  4. What is your opinion on fellow Catholics that will be “very pleased” with the murder of ICE agents? Any opinion at all? Many are. Current polling indicates it’s a minority. We’ll see where it goes. Hopefully people don’t get themselves so twisted as to wish for murder.
  5. Imagine cheering murder. Sick.
  6. Doesn’t seem to work very well.
  7. “The thinnest of margins” - C-section good lord
  8. Absolutely SPECTACULAR work on your part. One of your best ever. Congrats!!
  9. Oh no! Democracy at stake! Nazis! Fascists! Hegseth! FAA! Eggs! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. Why won’t the bad MAGA people follow Biden-era guidance? Too funny.
  11. They aren’t freaking out. They are simply passionate. Need evidence? Just look at the recent thread titles from Tibs and homelander. I cannot confirm if he’s actually landed at home but he has certainly landed on his head a few times.
  12. I can’t get enough of this kind of talk from the left. PLEASE keep pounding it home. Harder even.
  13. We are all triggered by KC being in the Super Bowl again. If ranting like a fool saves those around you (unlikely), that’s fine. If you are alone (likely) you should look for an outlet where you don’t come off as an unhinged dumbass. Maybe play with an electric socket. That can be fun.
  14. Just so I can give you credit, can you point to something you got right in your political “analysis”?
  15. Nothing stops anyone from giving more. Are you only ok with it if it’s coerced?
  16. Hillary desperate to stay, not relevant, but at least in the public eye. 600k is found in Elon’s couch cushions. Hopefully they consider the slate clean if he returns the stranded astronauts in one piece. Hard to believe NASA hasn’t been able to do that. Sad.
  17. Turns out the disastrous management of the war by the Biden administration made it impossible. Promise: broken. You must be upset by the CBS polling data out today. Hang in there buddy. You’ve got bank and you are a caring catholic! All good for you!
  18. Great post! Yes. That’s exactly what it was. Impressed by your deep thinking. I wish we could always have democrats in charge. They only care about us and aren’t interested in enriching themselves.
  19. Your guy just pardoned his entire family going back to 2014. Let’s not be too whiny. Makes you look like Redhawk. Nobody wants that.
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