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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Oh no! STEVE BANNON is unhappy! Everything is spinning out of control!
  2. Trust the experts and the science.
  3. At least you are aware of him - as you seem to be with most things trans-adjacent. are you monetizing that freak by clicking on his tweets?
  4. I’ll be so pissed if peace breaks out.
  5. I didn’t know this guy existed until you posted about him in the last day or so. I’m sure the report of his “death” was big news in the trans community. You are forgiven.
  6. People that go out of their way to troll are effing weirdos. Also, don’t believe everything you read. You’ll end up looking like a douche as you do here.
  7. Incorrect as usual. I love the scrutiny government organizations and systems are under and will judge the results at the appropriate time. I will leave the premature overreactions to others.
  8. Elections have consequences. A reimagining of government is underway. Had your party not completely sh*t the bed things might be different. I suspect your side will have a chance to put the brakes on it one year and 11 months from now.
  9. I am not part of a generation that demands immediate gratification and emotionally overreacts when they don’t get it. I’m willing to hold steady and wait for some details. I will join you in crucifying everyone that comes up short in this endeavor.
  10. You have a gift for distilling things down to a single talking point. Sadly, it’s always a dimwitted and childish talking point.
  11. Correct. I suspect many to most will be shown to be anywhere from incredibly inefficient to corrupt. Nobody is telling you not to put your faith in the creatures of Washington DC in charge of our institutions. They could never be corrupted by power.
  12. Business as usual in other words. That should work. Good thinking.
  13. Who conducts the long, intensive audit? Any thoughts on why it hasn’t happened before now?
  14. An absolute mystery. Party identity/loyalty is apparently so strong that it trumps all. What do you believe is the correct way and why hasn’t it been done before now?
  15. In your excitement you got the acronym in the title wrong. Nice work. it’s fun watching dumbfks like you and Roundy play the foreigner card on an American citizen. Again, nice work.
  16. I know the feeling.
  17. You’ve spent quite a bit of time on this. It can be hard to be wrong but you’ll be ok.
  18. At least you are taking a rational view of all this. Very well done.
  19. It’s all very upsetting isn’t it? I don’t know how we’re going to get through the next 3 years and 11 months.
  20. It’s right next to the number 53. Don’t be upset dumplin. You threw up on yourself today. It’s not the first time and won’t be the last time. Just come back strong.
  21. The CBS poll released last week shows Trump with a 53-47 overall job rating as per the header on their chart. How did you miss it? I think the bone you have to pick is with whatever school you attended. It’s ok to be wrong. Try not to compound it with Roundy-level spinning and whining.
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