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  1. You consistently take the side of the perp, believing it makes you morally superior. Very odd. Do you believe that means it’s ok to advocate for irreversible surgeries on troubled young people? That’s been your stance. Thankfully that sort of thinking is being marginalized around the world by the day.
  2. You advocate for it. One day you may have to answer for it. That’s on you. God - Roundy, why did you tell young people I made a mistake and encourage them to permanently alter what I gave them? You - trans women are women! Cope and seethe!
  3. I’m sure he’ll take good care of the couch. Sick bastard.
  4. By Roundy standards, and his standards alone, that’s 58 democrats going to hell for hating brown people. Pray for them. These democrats may actually be in danger of going to hell. Pray for them.
  5. Do you imagine the maker has concerns about encouraging young people to chop off body parts? He created those body parts after all.
  6. A stain so horrific that Americans are giving him another crack at the most important job in the world. Zany!
  7. Similar but much less ballyhooed was this gem from the esteemed “doctor”: Arealtor was showing us property and I saw a huge swastika on a barn roof. I asked what that was. She said she didn’t know what I meant. Can be found in the Hurricane Helene website thread. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️
  8. “No really. Here’s why the couch bit is funny. Stay with me here” -Frankish
  9. I almost never watch these TikTok videos but this one is very short and gets a laugh.
  10. Hero 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️
  11. Who knew the Episcopalians paid so well!! I wonder how the bishop feels about Luke 18:25. I guess it’s neither here nor there.
  12. Yes. The fact that a burn it all down guy like Trump didn’t release them in four years the last time around makes me think there’s something bad in those files that the citizenry will not forgive. I’m not convinced he will follow through this time.
  13. Now you tell us. I spent all morning at the library researching Area 15. Thanks for nothing.
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