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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The sort of strident Karen’s that argued for continued closures probably feel no guilt at all and will rationalize until the cows come home. Has any single individual said “I was wrong”?
  2. You seem bothered by the poll. Are you in the 22% that thinks the economy is going in the right direction?
  3. Going to rough sledding in a time when men can pretend to be women, get praised for it, and the rest of us be told that it’s normal and good.
  4. There have been unhinged Islamists blaming America for everything for as long as you have been alive and now you are pearl-clutching over funding Israel. Something that’s also been happening for your entire life. Perhaps you’ve heard the islamists refer to the US as the Great Satan along the way. Do you think there is a way to get the Islamic world to “like” the USA? If so, you’re delusional. I know, that’s a given. More delusional would be a better way of saying it.
  5. You’ve gone from commenting on prayer traditions to dysfunctional government. Your original take was slightly less dumb than that of Randi Weingarten. You might as well just put that in your back pocket and take the W.
  6. “Sure, your people have been slaughtered and appear to be in more peril globally than at any time since the days of Hitler (the real one, not the orange one) but your religious traditions are not up contemporary standards. Therefore, I cannot take you seriously” That’s quite a position you are staking out.
  7. I know that you are old but it’s almost as if you are still in high school. Good heavens man. You’ve outdone yourself with this one.
  8. Smarter? Perhaps. Yet still so incredibly dumb that it’s hard to imagine you would hit “submit reply” after typing it.
  9. Someone with a different viewpoint = MAGA. How original and erudite. This calls to mind your post of a couple weeks ago about not judging a large swath of people based on the actions of a few. A ridiculous comment from you as you are undoubtedly aware. It’s one of your trademarks. Here’s another one of yours, though I have taken the liberty and altered it slightly:
  10. You would have people believe that democrats have solutions in hand, to address the root causes of the issue no less, but are too timid to force the issue and even with two years of total control are just victims of republican intransigence. I’m not defending republicans as they are a pitiful lot. I’m merely pointing out the absurdity of your words and position on the matter. Since you are now going to root cause, wasn’t the current Vice President put in charge of addressing that some time ago? Any updates?
  11. Democrats failed because of Republicans. Because Republicans own the issue and democrats are afraid of them (your words) From the article: A Senate parliamentarian’s advice can be overcome by a vote but Sen. Durbin indicated getting all Senate Democrats to vote against a parliamentarian’s ruling on immigration was not “realistic.” How about immigration that is not “employment-based”? The kind that has you wanting border towns to bear the burden so as to avoid human trafficking of immigrants to sanctuary cities? Did democrats also fail there because of republicans?
  12. Dems had total control of Washington for two years. What did they do to address the matter? If the answer is nothing (it is), why is that the case? It somehow was the fault of the party with no power I imagine. Because they own the issue. Good lord.
  13. And according to some of your prior claims here, the democrats can’t solve it because republicans own the issue (not sure how) and they are afraid of republicans to boot. Bless your heart.
  14. I don’t believe redstate has ever reported on Nazi flags in churches. Lol.
  15. The question, unanswered as of now - will game attendees be able to get drinking water? WHAT ABOUT THE WATER???
  16. This does not personally affect you so you should not care. F all those teen girls that put in the work hoping they could be the best. There’s a deranged teen boy that’s more important.
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