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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Virtually everyone encounters a situation like this daily. It’s an “elite” few that discuss it as though it’s an accomplishment of sorts. Yet another feather in your cap.
  2. More from the “funny how people get bent out of shape about inflation” files. ExiledinIllinois for the win! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/trump-lead-grows-as-84-say-bidenomics-hurting-them In the latest monthly McLaughlin & Associates national survey, 84% of likely voters said inflation and higher costs have affected their lives. Of those, 46% said they are “struggling” to make ends meet.
  3. Only person I’ve ever come across (thankful that it’s only virtually) that uses racial slurs and then actually tries to claim it’s not a slur if used “appropriately”.
  4. Democrats should run with this as a campaign pitch. Sounds like a winner.
  5. As a self-described “elite” it surprises me to see you babbling yourself into a position where you can be fairly compared to the board dolt known as Tiberius. Whatever floats yer boat!
  6. Typical dipsh!t response that is a specialty of the redhawk/tiberius crowd. If you take issue with the data, data that refutes your earlier statement, you might wish to lodge a complaint with the French investment firm that provided the analysis.
  7. Are they? https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/11/24/715194/Russia-economy-Eurozone-Amundi According to the French investment firm Amundi, cited by British media on Thursday, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 1.5 percent in 2024, while expectations for the Eurozone economy’s growth next year are a mere 0.5 percent. The French fund manager said Russian trade imports and exports had remained virtually unaffected by the Western sanctions, while skyrocketing energy prices had left a heavy toll on the Eurozone.
  8. Thanks a lot, Brandon. https://www.wsj.com/us-news/american-dream-out-of-reach-poll-3b774892 The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the minds of many Americans. Only 36% of voters in a new Wall Street Journal/NORC survey said the American dream still holds true, substantially fewer than the 53% who said so in 2012 and 48% in 2016
  9. The crippling sanctions just need some time to work. https://www.euronews.com/2023/08/24/cracks-loopholes-and-blindspots-what-are-the-wests-russia-sanctioning-missing Russia has since shown resilience, however. Its GDP - an indicator of economic health measuring the total value of goods and services a country produces - is predicted in a Reuters poll to rise 0.7% in 2023, all the while other European economies splutter and decline. There are many reasons for Russia's economic robustness. But some suggest one is that sanctions have too many blindspots, loopholes and cracks, limiting their ability to hit Russia where it hurts - in the pocket. Tibs can add this to Biden’s Ukraine failures. Sad!
  10. Earlier today you stated that Biden messed up the Ukraine disaster. He’s an 81 yo buffoon that’s in over his head. It’s ok to admit it as you did earlier today.
  11. Not even close. You made a specific claim and are unable to back it up with actual information. In other words, you were talking out your A. Again.
  12. So you made a statement about people having Biden’s ear but have no clue who those people are? Sounds like you made it up.
  13. The world needs more men of action like Benecio and fewer pearl-clutchers like Tiberius.
  14. He’s gone full redhawk/billstime. Never go full redhawk/billstime. Also - makeup. Dude, like millions, is broken.
  15. Pinhead makes false claim about people being sad and then proceeds to show fascination with makeup. That’s the internet for you.
  16. Sure. That aligns with being sad it’s not terrorism. Really solid find. Keep up the good work. While you are at it, since Kemp is flailing to back up his comment, can you point to a comment where someone is sad it’s not terrorism? Rhetorical question.
  17. Like Trump, nobody else is making you look like an a-hole. You have sole responsibility for it with this ridiculous series of posts. Nice work.
  18. How many did you count of people being disappointed as you claim? Again, rhetorical. You have thrown up on yourself with your ridiculous comment. Not a surprise. Trumpian level obfuscation.
  19. Can you point to single post in this thread preceding this bit of garbage that backs up your claim? It’s a rhetorical question as it’s quite clear that you can’t. Says something about you. I’m sure you’re proud of your effort.
  20. Just do what you are told already. Didn’t the experts get it right last time? Billieve!
  21. Immigration is good for America if you discount the explosions and border closings.
  22. Things like mangers, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and leaving cookies for Santa are all so very heteronormative and therefore hate-filled. I expect this to go over especially well.
  23. You must have a strong dislike for redhawk then. Your gripe is his entire schtick. Hate to see that kind of dissent between two lefties. A real shame.
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