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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I support the teaching of reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic. Perhaps if we focus on those things we won’t get our future ass kicked by China. Sadly, people on your side of the political spectrum are more interested in promoting nonsense like the need for sexual materials in elementary schools.
  2. I have no doubt that you come at this from a different position than I. Linking to The Blade was a tell. Nobody cares, least of all me. It doesn’t make you a victim however so please don’t try to play the role. Not having sexual materials in elementary schools is not an attack on gay people no matter how much you want it to be. These materials have not been part of school in decades prior. Are modern sensibilities such that they need to be now? Rhetorical question.
  3. You have positioned yourself such that you think it important to have, in elementary schools, materials discussing anal/oral. So be it.
  4. It seems as though you are agreeing with me without realizing it. Parents deciding is good. Schools wanting to get into oral/anal discussion seems less good, non? They can bring all the child appropriate anal/oral books in the world into their home. None of them are banned here in the US. Seems odd for a homophobe like yourself to think it important to have them in elementary schools.
  5. You are in the position of telling moms they are wrong in their concern for their kids schooling, and telling schools/teachers/librarians they are right for stocking their elementary schools with materials detailing oral and anal. One of us is definitely in the majority here.
  6. Thank you for providing this compelling evidence to back up your claim. Did you know that this B word was also an anti-mask activist? Literal Nazi! I would also like to thank you for the link as it backs up my claim that you are a moron. It’s likely that you did not read the article but if you did read it your reading comprehension blows. That particular Nazi lives in Arkansas not Los Angeles. Really nice work on your part. Go back to pretending to read the LA Blade and enjoy.
  7. I’ve been waiting for someone dumber than John from Riverside to show up. To your credit you can at least construct a sentence. Otherwise…
  8. Due to the mathematics involved this will be beyond redhawk’s understanding but perhaps it will register with some of the other Brandonistas of the board.
  9. Do you know what smart people don’t do? They don’t post excitedly about a tiny investment they are about to make in a company that is going to own Elon Musk in the battery universe when in fact, that company serves the fossil fuel industry. Nice work.
  10. Just buy some carbon offsets. It will give you the satisfaction of knowing you did your part the next time John Kerry flies private to a climate conference.
  11. You’re welcome for this advice that you have no idea about? Elite level investment skills right there. With numbers involved it shouldn’t be a surprise that you f’d it up. Best of luck, big spender!
  12. Do you know how I know you are not elite? You feel the need, repeatedly, to tell a group of twelve internet strangers that you are. Do you think real elites are that insecure?
  13. I just enjoy following along as you claim elite status and immediately follow it up with drivel worthy of Tiberius, a racist slur, or a childish and unfunny take on ass washing. Your occasional forays into math and geography are also fun though make me wonder further about the modern definition of elite. Carry on!
  14. Please let this thread die. Kemp’s fascination with Trump’s makeup was getting a little weird even for this godforsaken part of the internet.
  15. Was this you? They're r folks in Chapel hill who use the swill u drink in their bidets to wash their asses...Chapel Hill IS the Old South they're just smart enough to move on..... Edited yesterday at 06:25 AM by Joe Ferguson forever
  16. Nice edit. Type first, “think” second. Don’t leave out the hate of Jews that’s motivating a large swath of D’s right now. From the river to the sea and all that.
  17. You whine about and “other” as maga anyone with a different perspective. Constantly. You are the very thing you are bitching about. The lack of self-awareness, while completely on-brand for you, is really something to behold.
  18. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/540166-biden-leans-into-empathizer-in-chief-role/ He’s just leaning a little further into his role as empathizer in chief. So much healing!
  19. If “elite” includes demonstrations of racism, homophobia, and Tiberius-level ramblings then “elite” is not good. Best to just let your behavior here be our guide on the matter.
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