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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. So what you have seen to date isn’t enough for you to know that the Biden’s have been on the receiving end of millions? Are you serious?
  2. Perhaps you will answer this question that your like-minded board members won’t - what do you think various foreign entities were getting from the Biden’s in exchange for millions of dollars?
  3. He was playing without a helmet regardless.
  4. Finally someone with the balls (maybe, who can say these days) to speak some common sense! F these b’s if they can’t compete against their testosterone-laden competitors. Show some damn grace!
  5. It would have been less effort to say “I have no thoughts regarding the question you asked”. It seems odd that foreign entities would bestow the Biden’s with millions just as a nicety. I guess we’ll never know.
  6. Absolutely nothing to see whatsoever. Nothing can be proved. As an aside, do you have any thoughts on what the Biden’s provided to foreign entities in exchange for millions? Any thoughts at all?
  7. John from Riverside is trying to take you seriously.
  8. How long do you expect the caring people of California to look the other way? https://apnews.com/article/biden-border-migrant-shelters-afd3a60803902eb4e1d6890785275a2c
  9. Uncle Fester is ON FIRE!! He’s going to piss me off regularly but also be a lot of fun along the way.
  10. Eagerly awaiting Dingdong from Riverside to weigh in with some thoughts on this. Expecting a refreshing new take.
  11. Have any motives been determined? You just never know in a lot of these “allahu akbar” situations. France and the Philippines now need to be on guard against the scourge of Islamophobia more than ever before. It’s intolerable!
  12. He will be able to say anything he wants and the major media outlets won’t say a word about it. People like you will shrug it off without a single thought when Fox, an outlet like redstate or any other conservative leaning media calls out his BS. That’s a formula that I am afraid will work. God help us. For those firing up a response that begins with MAGA, I detest Trump.
  13. For Gavin Newsome, who for reasons you have mentioned, I expect to be the next president - further hastening the downfall of America
  14. Absolutely agree but positions have been staked out. When you go to the mat referring to people as “white supremacist ANTI LGTBQ extremist/hate group” over the matter, how does one backtrack? That’s one of the problems with being a zealot.
  15. Tiberius was wondering where he could send his money for saving the world. Maybe he can spring for tuition for a coal worker to learn to code. Everybody wins!
  16. Poop map at a debate is a bridge too far but comics in elementary school libraries depicting giving head are fine. Oh, Canada 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  17. If that comic is not allowed in elementary school it is an attack on gay people and kids won’t have any way of clearing up their confusion about going down on someone. The three R’s are overrated anyway.
  18. Let’s just hope there’s still room under some bridges and that these job seekers don’t get human trafficked to one of America’s great metropolises where they have been promised sanctuary.
  19. I seek understanding. Can you tell me the value of anal/oral library materials for elementary school children? Betterment of society?
  20. Or their parents can buy the books for home reading. As many copies as they want since nothing is banned. Saves precious education dollars for more important things.
  21. You have checked in on the side of wanting literature discussing anal/oral available at elementary schools. You are entitled to your opinion. Again, it seems weird to me coming from you, as you are quite clearly a homophobe.
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