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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The level of childishness and amount of bile spewed made it seem MUCH longer. Solid use of time by you. Kudos.
  2. JD Ditch….did Frankish help you with that? He’s quite a comedian you know. Is whining about an ad hominem attack after spending a day name-calling and using racial slurs the look you are going for? If so, exceedingly well done on your part.
  3. Thank you for taking the time to weigh in with your thoughts. “Doing no favors” would generally be considered a colloquialism that requires no further analysis but your keen insight is appreciated. U seem 2 b more unhinged and childish than usual over the last 24 hrs. R u ok? Anxiety meds lost in the mail?
  4. The grad students have clearly rubbed off on you. I look forward to your conversations with Irv.
  5. I don’t need to. I’m a grown person that graduated college with a very average GPA and as such have enough savvy (barely) to figure it out all on my own.
  6. Here’s how you can tell and luckily for you it takes the barest amount of thinking imaginable - NO ONE ADVOCATES FOR USING NUKES. Why would you let yourself be played, repeatedly, by someone on a message board that you don’t know? All that said, please don’t pay this any mind. It’s more fun to follow along as you engage the nuke conversation.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/politics/cnn-polls-trump-biden-michigan-georgia/index.html Those grim numbers partially reflect softness among his base: About one-quarter of Democratic and Democratic-leaning registered voters in each state disapprove of Biden, and a little more than 4 in 10 say his policies have not helped the country’s economy. Article doesn’t say if the dissatisfaction among Michigan and Georgia democrats is data-driven or based on feelings.
  8. Reading is fundamental as the campaign noted back in the day. Home sales down 4.1 % (October numbers) not home prices. Home sales are down to the lowest level since 2010. Nice own goal. Billstime or redhawk level.
  9. Thought you might include some data in your response but you decided to lean more anecdotal. Existing home sales tumbled 4.1% last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.79 million units, the lowest level since August 2010. Those people planning on generational wealth might have to be patient. Even then…
  10. A smidge higher than today’s 3.24% success but to the untrained eye it does not paint a pretty picture. Perhaps one of the data driven Democrats can make us all feel better about this.
  11. Is this more liberal humor? I guess the tell is that it’s not funny at all, but I’m just not certain.
  12. Biden at 37% approval. Must be a pretty good chunk of Democrats going with their feelings too. At least 37% is completely data driven however. I imagine you’re among that group.
  13. If it was said on Sabrespace it has to be true. You can take that to the bank!
  14. So when you said “the projection from you people” a little bit ago, you were referring to the words from a Trump lawyer?
  15. Yes. CNN published the piece in service to republicans. Can’t believe I didn’t pick up on that. 🤦‍♂️🤦
  16. “I want my own freedom restricted in order to own conservatives” is quite a take. Best of luck with however that works out for you.
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