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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. To be Trump-like is now winning in your book. Good for you. I guess.
  2. If you are to be believed (rhetorical question), your ability to drive people away is quite something. Your readiness to claim credit for something so idiotic gives you a very Trumpy aura. Gross.
  3. WOW! That’s amazing! You also have at least 8 gay friends on Facebook! I’m sorry I ever thought you were a deranged creep because you act like an overwrought schoolgirl. My bad. Does the personal trainer that turned you down as a client understand how well off you are? He is not good with numbers or maps. To summarize his issues in these fields - he lives in Virginia, four hours south of Richmond. His claim, not mine. Lie
  4. Can you name some of them? Should be easy if there were so many. This should be good.
  5. Upper middle class is considered elite? Who knew? Wish you would have said something sooner.
  6. Is this a serious question? Appears to be a position filled by a democrat since 1979 with a two-year stint by a “non-partisan”.
  7. The question was “Any other negatives, besides he’s old and immigration policy, you can think of without invoking the orange menace?” All you had to do was say no.
  8. Any other negatives, besides he’s old and immigration policy, you can think without invoking the orange menace? You have to admit that his approval numbers are horrific. Must be more to it than you are willing to let on.
  9. The amount of “this is fine” and “but Trump” from the leftists in this thread is staggering.
  10. And for most of those cities the mayor’s office has been filled by a democrat for decades uninterrupted.
  11. He seems like a good player but I want to hear thoughts from Bob Jones before saying yes or no either way.
  12. Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea has practically Collapsed as France, Spain, and Italy have all announced their Withdrawal from the U.S. Command Structure for the Operation, with the Three Nations stating they will only conduct further Maritime Operations under the Command of NATO and/or the European Union and not the United States. More of the Biden foreign policy master class.
  13. You’ve made no secret of your racism and homophobia. Seems odd that you would call out others for the behaviors you unabashedly display. Guess it’s just part of what makes you so “elite”.
  14. Similar to you being the only individual on this board to post racial slurs, claim they aren’t slurs if used properly, and then call out others as racist as you have in the last few hours. It doesn’t seem as though your European adventure has done much for your spider-like “personality”. Such a shame.
  15. It’s a shame this bit of genius wasn’t provided in time to save Liz Magill’s job at Penn. Hard to believe it cost her such a prestigious position even though she tried to walk back her comments. An unnecessary walking back based on this brilliant analysis. A read of the transcript will show the questions posed repeatedly and at the center of the matter were “specifically calling for the genocide of Jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment?“ and “does calling for the genocide of Jews violate (insert school name here) rules or code of conduct? Yes or no”? Why did you alter the comment to leave out Jews? You must have a reason for doing so.
  16. https://news.gallup.com/poll/547763/biden-ends-2023-job-approval.aspx Looking at the approval ratings of the past seven presidents at the same point in their first term in office, Biden’s current 39% is the lowest. Barack Obama (43%) and Donald Trump (45%) had slightly higher ratings heading into the year they sought reelection, while all of the others were above 50%.
  17. “No, seriously. This time the sanctions are going to be crippling for sure. Trust us”. -President Brandon
  18. He’s only accepting fewer gifts than Justice Sotomayor to make her look bad. On top of everything else he’s an anti-Hispanic misogynist!
  19. Can someone point out the “multiple single arm tackles” that occurred? I hope a defender diving at his ankles isn’t considered a single arm tackle. How do the tackles here differ from any other back in the league save Derrick Henry?
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