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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You don’t understand the difference between a Gallup job approval poll and an article about an obvious age-related concern, do you? Not a surprise in the least.
  2. It’s somewhat interesting that in order to make your point you are being pedantic regarding the thread title but in another thread defending the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn, you airbrush out the central component of the entire matter (awful comments toward Jews) and turn it all into a hypothetical about white guys in Buffalo. How do you pick and choose when to be a stickler and when to dissemble?
  3. https://news.gallup.com/poll/547763/biden-ends-2023-job-approval.aspx I believe most people believe Gallup to be reputable (except when they don’t like the poll results). From the link: Bottom Line Biden enters 2024 with a persistently low job approval rating, the worst of any modern-day president heading into a tough reelection campaign. While the economy has shown signs of improvement and Americans are a bit more optimistic about it, it remains a pressing concern. In addition to dealing with the national economy and overseeing the United States’ role in wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, Biden continues to face a crisis at the southern U.S. border. Given Republicans’ concern about the issue, Biden can expect immigration to be a central theme in the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign in 2024. Not mentioned anywhere in the link - age. Your perfect record of not being able to back up your claims stays intact. Kudos!
  4. You have not been this unhinged since someone questioned your sexuality and it forced you into a sabbatical. Europe with the family must SUCK.
  5. And therefore quoted 2020 prices. Oh. I suspect that’s ok but only if we stop at a certain time of your choosing.
  6. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m Now that victory has been declared, by you, what are your thoughts on the chart found at the link? In case you don’t want to look, here are the average gas prices nationwide for December starting with 2023 and going backward for the last two administrations: 3.26 3.32 3.40 2.28 2.65 2.46 2.60 Oh.
  7. Our boy redhawk had previously declared he would eagerly submit to the latest and greatest vax. As a public service no doubt. Smart. All my best to him in the likely event that he catches this deadly virus.
  8. Did you run out of anxiety meds on your euro adventure? Your babbling seems especially disjointed. All my best.
  9. We live in an age where the redhawks and Trumps of the world can vomit up any words that come along and go with a “was my meaning conveyed” response. Interesting.
  10. Let me know if that ever happens. As of now you are hitless. Keep swinging! If real war ever came you would be first to hide in the basement. Even you know that.
  11. Do you remember a couple hours ago when you didn’t care about anything I had to say? That was awesome.
  12. Yes. As a non-elite, working in one was the only job I could get.
  13. Or poor use of the language as has been your pattern. Either way.
  14. Yet, as always, you can’t help but engage. “Opinion means worse than…”. Don’t you mean “less than”? 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦 Also - least bit, not last bit. Elite my ass.
  15. What matters is when a self-important pecksniff such as yourself uses a word that conveys the exact opposite of what was intended. It’s very satisfying and toying with you as you flail adds to the pleasure. It’s ok to admit you used the wrong word. It would make you seem less of a tool. Marginally.
  16. And now you can claim a W by using the word properly. I guess in your world the actual definition doesn’t matter much and it can be used as a catch-all. Nevertheless…
  17. It’s not correct as it conveyed the exact opposite of what you intended. To argue otherwise would be in keeping with your nature but it’s probably distracting you from the ocean view and only making you look like more of a dumbass. Just take the L and try not to be the ugly American on the links. That’s a big ask but do what you can.
  18. Your use of the word. Clearly you do not know what it means or how to use it. Let me help and then you can plug the definition of exalt into your previous sentence: hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of. Give it a try Own goal. Nothing unusual.
  19. I guess it took the human trafficking of immigrants from under bridges in Texas to America’s great metropolises/sanctuaries to get some people to notice.
  20. Can you provide more detail on the fascist iconography I can look for in Sound of Freedom? Sounds like you’ve seen it and it would be nice to draw on your experience.
  21. Any chance you can go back to being redhawk? I hate seeing Joe Ferguson look like an a-hole by association. You are the one that put the sentence together so please don’t try to blame anyone else. You have used exalt wrongly. Surprising coming from a self-described elite but not surprising coming from someone that throws up all over himself here daily. Luckily for you, only about ten people see it.
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