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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. More from the DEI battlefront. A Karen near you, Tiberius and Chigoose heads EXPLODING.
  2. I’m old and hate the idea of having to choose between these two delusional old farts. I pity the young people.
  3. Any word on ticket pre-sales? I don’t want to miss out.
  4. You used “waste of sperm” a few hours prior. Just saying. Please give my best to your wife. None of this can be easy for her.
  5. Dude is broken but luckily for him it’s everyone else’s fault so no need to self-reflect.
  6. Other than all those entitled Jews that are being harassed everywhere they go, nobody. So glad you were the one with balls enough to say it. 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  7. Don’t you hate starting a thread and then responding to it yourself because it generates zero interest? That’s the worst, isn’t it? Keep up the good fight!
  8. I read through the whole thing and here is my takeaway - ScottLaw is annoying.
  9. If true, and it seems like a big if, I’m sorry to hear about his mother. That it occurred when he was 12 is very sad. That it occurred when he was 10, which was a few minutes later based on his editing of the post, is also sad. Dude has issues. I should obviously be nicer about it but he’s such an a-hole that I struggle to lay off. Maybe as a New Year’s resolution. Today? Let’s go full speed ahead.
  10. I will admit to not being a psychiatrist. I do know a thing or two about schadenfreude. Hang in there buddy!
  11. You have conducted yourself here in such a manner that zero sympathy can be summoned. Did she hook up with the trainer that turned you away? Wouldn’t that be something!!
  12. You’ve mentioned your wife on the board on many occasions. As such please give her my best and bless her heart.
  13. I wonder which of the board’s left-leaning members, so horrified by the repellent words of the Orange Nightmare, will be the first to speak out against Redhawk’s behavior here. Surely one of them has enough integrity to do so. 🙄 This was really all that needed to be said. Embarrassing.
  14. Just grab her by it. With your lying and babbling tonight it’s clear you have more in common with a certain ex-president than you want to admit. Two losers, that’s for sure.
  15. ⬆️ Being on awesome Euro vacation, lying about age (old either way), telling 10 internet rando’s how he’s going to get some strange. He considers this “winning”. Sad.
  16. That was you talking. Oct 23. Why someone lies about something so picayune is a mystery. I imagine that sort of person cheats at golf too.
  17. I'm 63, saw games in the rock pile. F off u hoser. Edited October 23 by Joe Ferguson forever ⬆️ You’ve aged quickly.
  18. Yes, Gallup does not have much of a track record 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️. Thank you for the comic relief. Mostly due to your cluelessness but your inability to put a normal sentence together is always good for a laugh.
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