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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. HF 146 sec 518D.204. Back to the original question - do you support removing children from their parents over a matter like “gender affirming care”? If so, why? Please be specific. Are you aware that people that have undergone gender affirming surgery are, for varied reasons, 12-13x more likely to attempt suicide? Why would Tim Walz support something with such horrific outcomes?
  2. No. It’s more fun to watch your over the top reactions to things you haven’t read and know absolutely nothing about. Think yesterday’s hysterical claims that no harm was done in the Twin Cities because everything burned down in the riots has been rebuilt. It’s been four years already!
  3. Yes. He didn’t read the post he was commenting on but according to him he’s not a reactionary. Very emotional sort though. Book smart too!
  4. Seems like you are in a screeching/seething mode. No. It’s Minnesota law. I don’t blame you for deflecting. While Walz signed the bill, normal people everywhere find the idea insane.
  5. Do you support the idea of taking children away from their parents over differences in “gender affirming care”? If so, why? Please be specific.
  6. One would think a likable, funny, authentic, relatable guy would be more beloved in the rural communities of Minnesota.
  7. Based on your posts over a couple days you seem rather dick-centric. Good for you but aren’t there a bazillion dick-related places you can hang out?
  8. 🚨Has anyone ever seen Walz and Frankish in the same room?🚨
  9. Go back through the thread and find where I made it about Walz. I will wait. All I’ve done is counter your incessant foolishness. You started with pretending you have insight to what the “median voter” believes and proceeded to sh*t yourself from there. You’ve not gotten a single thing correct along the way, and in order to fluff politicians, you minimized arson of all things. Quite a day for you.
  10. Nice work. You should confine yourself to commenting on things that you actually know about rather than things you hope to be true. What you said earlier is that it’s been rebuilt. You have sh*t all over yourself with your “knowledge” of the Twin Cities. Go outside and get some fresh air. You and anyone sharing your indoor space will both appreciate it.
  11. https://www.startribune.com/lake-street-progress-redevelopment-george-floyd-riots/600364728 A link for any dimwitted people such as @Roundybout that wish to minimize arson and declare all is well because everything has been rebuilt. It’s been four years after all! A couple excerpts: Even so, roughly a dozen buildings demolished after the 2020 mayhem remain empty lots. Dozens of other structures, like O’Reilly and the nearby Third Precinct police station have sat scarred and boarded up, waiting for a renewal that some are not sure will ever come. Migizi reopened in the new location in October. The resurrection helps, but Drummer’s heart still hurts. She and her husband miss their old neighbors at 27th and Lake. They and Ruhel Islam were the last to leave their buildings as smoke and fire enclosed them. Four years later, their old block remains a barren jumble of weeds, like many lots along Lake Street where businesses once thrived. Minimizing arson in support of politicians. Unbelievable. The Strib as it’s called is as liberal a paper as there is in America so any shooting of the messenger is unnecessary. Shown. Now it’s your turn.
  12. It’s not my job to dissuade you from your “no harm done” delusions regarding arson. Very immoral, very weird position to hold.
  13. You have internet access. If you prefer to live under the illusion of “no harm done” go for it. I see in another thread that you had no concern for a person of color bemoaning the upheaval in her life caused by the riots and resultant damage. Your cavalier response “it got rebuilt”. Please spare us the “I have morals” routine going forward.
  14. What is a lady? A they? If you are not a biologist you do not need to answer.
  15. An hour ago you were crowing that only .2% of buildings were burned down. To me, that equates to incredible hardship, heartbreak, and possibly worse for those affected. Feeling that way makes me a normal person. Go back and read what you have typed. To you it’s a political point with no harm done because everyone affected has been made whole. Sick and immoral.
  16. How many people lost their businesses and were unable to recover? You seem to think the number is zero. You have spent the last several minutes excusing arson. How did you ever get to such a point?
  17. Good for you. It’s essentially a no harm done situation, right? I’ve never been one to be fine with burning someone else’s business down. The fact that the building itself could be rebuilt is immaterial. I’m shocked that a moral Catholic like yourself is making the argument you are.
  18. In order to pump up your preferred politicians, you are minimizing arson, and people losing their businesses. To use the word of the day that’s really weird. Beyond weird. Sick.
  19. As an empathetic and moral person, which you have told us you are, it’s interesting that you would be so cavalier with peoples livelihoods. They probably didn’t need those buildings anyway. Carry on.
  20. You have a hard time staying on track. Your claim was that the median voter doesn’t remember the riotous summer of 2020. I asked you what they do remember and your only reply was Covid. Now you’ve gone off on a tangent. Don’t be a Tiberius.
  21. How about if I ask them if they remember “ fiery, but mostly peaceful”? do you think with Kamala’s connection to bailing out rioters and Walz inept response to the summer of love that the median voter will have their memory jogged? I get that you believe the median voter can only remember one thing per summer but that’s not how real life is. You will eventually learn that.
  22. It’s not. Along with Covid the killing of George Floyd and the aftermath will be the event of the decade. That you want to pretend median voter doesn’t remember it is laughable. Edited to add Covid
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