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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Were they somehow obligated to continue backing a loser? Some vast band of Christie donors that you believes exist applied “intense pressure”? Laughable.
  2. CBS radio news reported that he was “under intense pressure” to drop out. I laughed out loud. Nobody gave two sh*ts about him one way or the other. Who could have been bothered to apply “intense pressure”?
  3. Hoping Hunter has to answer questions someday. The “it was a speakerphone” routine should be entertaining.
  4. ^^^ J6 worse than the murder of 168 including 19 children and injuring 600+. Good heavens. How broken does someone have to be to believe this?
  5. I have read here, albeit from unhinged sources, that civil WAR has already BEGUN. TWO questions: 1) when does the LEAD start FLYING? 2) what will you be using against your family, friends and NEIGHBORS that disagree with you POLITICALLY? I have an air RIFLE and a Ruger 9mm. I don’t expect to get very far what with the price of AMMUNITION and all. I also DON’T live on a HILL.
  6. What are your thoughts on Bernard being able to defend UTM runs in potentially bad weather?
  7. Who would you choose between him and the coach of the Bills you have referred to as McFraud? You can only choose one.
  8. Imagine taking the position that it’s ok for the Secretary of Defense to go missing for 5 days without alerting his “supervisor”, at a time when global tensions are high. “nothing burger” -dumbasses like nedboi and tiberius
  9. For those of you that are thinking of saying “when I take a morning SH*T”, don’t bother. Nobody goes that long without thinking about TRUMP.
  10. I would have created a poll but will admit to being a touch challenged. Anyway: A - when I wake up in the middle of the NIGHT B - as soon as the ALARM goes off C - with morning COFFEE Pretty sure those are the only OPTIONS. Please weigh in.
  11. They are coming to get jobs so they don’t have to be in gangs. I just hope they aren’t human trafficked to NYC or Chicago once they arrive.
  12. I am starting this topic so that we all have someplace to talk about TRUMP. Hopefully the unusual use of all-caps caught your eye and led you to click. Can anyone point to a situation where there was accountability for actions in the Brandon administration? Bald-headed drag queen thief counts. Any others? I personally blame Tuberville for weakening our military but Austin needs to go. Also - TRUMP.
  13. Another W for Lurch. Keep going you overgrown, dope smoking goof!
  14. Why is Biden asking for help from Mexico with this phony crisis when all he has to do is treat Arizona and Texas as though they are California?
  15. You seem especially triggered this morning. Is there one thing in particular that set you off or is it just more TRUMP? You must be exhausted from railing for years on end. Stay strong!
  16. I will likely hold my nose and vote for him if he is the nominee. May not vote at all if he becomes even more unhinged. Unlike the many pearl-clutching pantywaists on this board (that includes you, obviously) that are consumed with ORANGE MAN 24/7, I feel pretty strongly that America will survive the horrors of another Trump presidency. The entertainment value watching your sort freak out will be priceless. Democracy is at stake! Oh no!
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