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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Another issue for Brandon to run on! This poor immigrant probably couldn’t find the good job he came here looking for and decided raping a developmentally disabled person was a reasonable alternative.
  2. L Ron is approaching billstime/redhawk level of excellence. Kudos are due as it seemed a very unlikely possibility.
  3. What would your requirements be for an engineer working on manned space flight tasks? How would you assess prospective employees? I know it’s not your thing but it’s ok to give a straight answer from time to time.
  4. That may all be true, but with proper coupon clipping and bargain hunting, he should’ve been able to feed his family at Thanksgiving for 6 to 7 bucks a head. Dude needs to stop whining.
  5. I’m intrigued. Can you tell me more about “certainly almost”?
  6. Sometimes I’m accused of caring too much. I hate seeing you make a dumb ass out of yourself but if you’re OK with it I’m OK with it.
  7. Are you trying to paint yourself as educated in this thread? Do you understand that it is “how would have Obamacare…” not “of Obamacare”? You should try to do better in a thread calling out the education of others. As it stands here you look like a complete dumb fk.
  8. I don’t understand why people don’t appreciate all President Brandon has done for us. They apparently haven’t read the title of this thread. Sad!
  9. Rochester airport arrivals and departures look to be mostly normal today.
  10. Assorted dumbasses here (think redhawk) that are obsessed with Fox News as a boogeyman will look to CNN for coverage of what was going on at the White House last night. As of now, they won’t find it, so it must not have been worth writing about. Those things worth writing about in order: Iowa caucuses/Trump George Conway’s thoughts on Trump Chiefs/Dolphins cold weather Long walks are good Cold weather in winter Good places abroad to move to (Cher and others please take note) Marvel actor Israel/Gaza National debt King of Denmark Sports news Wayfair clearance sale Adorable dogs
  11. Are you sure you are not redhawk’s Islamic alter-ego? Ridiculous babbling that he has made his calling card.
  12. Texas should stop wasting money on barriers and fences and spend it to build bridges these people can sleep under. Abbott 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  13. I think the Wuhan connection is only a coincidence. I base this on the judgement of REDHAWK and his panel of virologist friends who have already declared it to be naturally occurring. damn pangolins
  14. Then it seems you are fine with something that is not the least bit possible. How on earth would schools encompass all ideology? Who would determine what “all” is? Teach the kids the things that will allow America to compete with China in the future. Those things are not BLM or “boys can be girls if they want to” or that communism is good.
  15. What are the approved displays and where do you draw the line? I know the answer to that and will reveal it in a moment. Palestinian flag to show support? Israeli flag? Ukrainian flag? Mom’s for Liberty poster? Why only BLM and rainbow flag? You draw the line at a symbol that would demonstrate tolerance and inclusion for Christian’s. That’s not a question. We both know it to be fact.
  16. The tweet that was posted here, your comments, and my comments are all about a photograph. A photograph that you think is perfectly appropriate in a classroom setting. My preference would be that America focus on educating children rather than feel the need to include a healthy serving of indoctrination at school.
  17. The third poster from the left has famous communists on it. It’s probably a history classroom! A discerning individual might look at the blm/lgbtq2sia+ flags and draw another conclusion about why those historical icons are on display. Not seen in the photo: Math Chemistry Biology Spelling Some of us, mostly left-leaning “independents” want school classrooms focusing on inclusion. Others wish America were more focused on the future of our students by focusing on reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. You have demonstrated your virtue by approving of this classroom setting. Good for you. You can now go through your day as an agent of change and inclusion. Please don’t follow up with “yeah, but that’s only a small area of the classroom”. Your comment was about the photo.
  18. I keep posting because I’m dumbfounded that you find it important to go to the mat over “intense pressure”. I will now concede to you the victory here and move along.
  19. You are cleared to be on board with CBS Radio News characterizing the pressure on Chris Christie to withdraw as “intense”. I don’t know why anyone would believe there was “intense pressure” on a guy that wasn’t even a speed bump but so be it. I will go with nobody gave two sh*ts what this portly loser did either way.
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