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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. A while back you said you were 62 and a few days later you said you were 65. If someone will lie about something so trivial, what won’t they lie about? You most likely cheat at golf.
  2. I imagine nobody answered the question because of how incredibly vapid and childish it is. You are compromised mentally and it leads you down ridiculous paths (trails maybe) seeing nazis and coming civil war around every corner. Do you really expect people to bite on something so idiotic? Do your ideological board buddies even bite? I think nedboi might have civil war fears. The two of you can keep the civil war fires burning. No need to go it alone.
  3. The one that goes teen girl dramatic and rambles on at the least bit of prodding, 100% of the time? That person?
  4. Hope it doesn’t keep you up at night. That can’t be good for someone in your condition.
  5. Good one. Not even billstime or Tiberius has that amount of time on their hands. Keep up the good fight! You are an inspiration to those afflicted similarly. I guess.
  6. You should show your therapist your “musings” on this board. Might help him/her see what they are up against and get that lithium dosage dialed in. All my best.
  7. ⬆️ This loser was railing on folks for posting Saturday night during games that could be important to Buffalo (it’s true that he was a bit unraveled), and proceeds to post after the start of the Bills game. The incapacity for self-awareness is fun to observe.
  8. If it’s sad facts about oneself that has you interested, I suggest you give your posts from Portugal a read.
  9. Board membership can only go off the way you have presented yourself here, i.e., a yuuuge douchebag.
  10. Agree with you about Trump. On the other hand, after three years, which of Biden’s appointees inspire confidence in you?
  11. Would you feel better if everyone here states the obvious that the guy is a sh*tbag that deserves death? If you need some sort of validation in that regard, start a poll and see how many agree. I assure you it will be “fairly telling”. I imagine the only disagreement would be found in those thinking this guy deserves execution. Those on the left typically don’t approve of that, correct?
  12. Tell us how the laws and facts are supposed to work for illegally possessing classified documents for a very extended period. It’s ok if you claim spillage, blame an anonymous staffer and return them with an apology? I know you have never worked in a classified environment but are somehow expert in the matter. Fill us all in.
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