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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Since the thread has lost steam can we go back to your claim that you went to school with Susan Collins? You quite obviously did not as she left campus in 1975 when you were most likely 14yo based on your latest claims. I will grant you the tight network claim. Is there a +/- on how many years away from your years of attendance that you can still claim that you went to school with someone when all you really did was attend the same school years apart? For instance, are you able to say that you went to school with Kirk Douglas? Grace Potter? Seems like a very weird lie to tell for someone presenting themselves as honest to a fault.
  2. How do you feel about Rep Pelosi believing that calling for a ceasefire in Gaza is what the murderous Putin wants? Do you agree with her position?
  3. Poor Tiberius. According to Granny Winebox, Tibs and the murderous Putin are on the same side on this issue. That’s not good for anyone.
  4. It’s kind of like how not having literature about anal and oral in elementary school libraries is an attack on gay people, right? What’s your next one-person cause celebre?
  5. She left there when you were 14-15. Doubling down is an interesting choice.
  6. You seem a little untethered to be working a fundraiser. Are you supposed to be drinking? One more question - why did you lie about going to school with Susan Collins? That’s just weird.
  7. You have thrown up on yourself with this post (shocker) and need to study up on your chunky white female “comedians”.
  8. We’re screwed as a nation. Beyond that I’m hurt that redhawk would lie about going to school with Susan Collins. What’s the point anymore?
  9. Thank you for a sober and sensible comment. You have landed at the wrong message board. Fare thee well.
  10. https://www.city-journal.org/article/new-documents-bolster-lab-leak-hypothesis/ Redhawk and his band of Virginia virologists don’t know sh*t.
  11. HAWK, MY MAN! How come you never told us you were a child prodigy? For someone that likes to regale us with tales of his daily awesomeness this seems like quite an omission! Details please! Yes, I am making an assumption here but it seems like a good one. Since Susan Collins left campus life in 1975 when you were in the 14-16 age range (depending on what your current age claim is; you seem to be all over the place with that) you leaving home for college as a precocious youngster is the only logical explanation. Don’t be so bashful about it! Who name drops Susan Collins in order to lie? I’ll tell you who - someone that declared themselves “honest to a fault” earlier this week. Really nice work, dumbass.
  12. If there’s a single trustworthy agency out there right now it’s the FBI. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  13. Is there a “white people are the worst” thread? This probably belongs in there. So menacing!!
  14. You seem confused on the definition of “citation”. It happens to people in the 62-65 age range.
  15. Person A -my replies are always supported by legit CITATION. It’s what smart people do. Person B - you copied from an article with no citation less than an hour ago Person A - that’s on everyone else for not assuming.
  16. 45 minutes ago you posted this with no citation: The divergence of building values and rents from loan payments stems from a real estate bubble inflated over the past decade. Investors and lenders alike bought into the notion that office demand would continue growing steadily for the foreseeable future. The COVID-driven mass shift to remote work shattered that premise. Why would someone as honest as you do that and follow it up less than an hour later with “my replies are supported by legitimate citation”. Why not include the link rather than present it as an original thought? See directly above. edit - link added. Maybe it’s a coincidence or they somehow copied your work proactively. https://bitscapital.net/blog/new-report-shows-over-44-of-office-buildings-underwater/
  17. “I never lie. Also, please ignore when I lie. I’m unique” -redhawk
  18. Bumped your lie in the swatting thread. I know you were in crisis with your marriage on that particular day but is that really an excuse?
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