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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. look man, you are the one that told an asinine lie and can’t own up to it. Why didn’t you lie about going to school with Kirk Douglas or Grace Potter? That, while equally dishonest, would at least sound cool. Why anyone would sh*t on themselves over Susan Collins is truly a mystery. Nice work.
  2. According to the diary, Ashley wrote that her father and our president took showers with her when she was young girl, fueling her sex-addiction. Inside a January 2019 diary entry, she wrote “I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad.” https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/walton-and-johnson/content/2022-08-26-florida-court-case-confirms-ashley-bidens-stolen-diary-is-real/ Don’t shoot the messenger. Hard to believe a savvy consumer of current events such as yourself could have missed this. In any event you are welcome. also - MAGA/TRUMP. Thought I would save you the trouble.
  3. I’m just agreeing with you that Biden is impotent and incapable of leading. Isn’t that the case you are making?
  4. Roundy, Tibs, and John Kerry could not be reached for comment.
  5. Except it wasn’t. Your fellow alum that you implied would have your back shot your lie down in flames. Lying about going to school with Susan Collins…so very strange.
  6. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/trivia/buck-stops-here-sign Truman was a douche. He should have just blamed whatever came along on congress. Go Brando Go! away
  7. President Brandon already told them “Don’t”. That should have been enough. Why aren’t they listening to him? He’s a good American president!
  8. God bless you and your loved ones.
  9. You are beholden to Joe Biden and his party. It’s why you go with “nothing to see here” over matters such as the border disaster and Chinese spy balloons. You should consider being a free thinker. You can still be a liberal, just inject some common sense on occasion.
  10. That you want to make the disaster that is our southern border about racism is all the proof anyone needs that in the absence of racism, it will be manufactured by people like you. Very dim-witted. Also, 100% on brand.
  11. I didn’t want to bring it up but since you are being all coy and whatnot I was referring to your drunken confessions about your mental state, your claim that you attempted, you know, and how badly your wife shivved you by prioritizing her dying mother. Maybe some or all of that was true. It’s hard to know with a fabulist. I do agree that Portugal is fabulous. I might move there when the civil war tees up.
  12. I think he may have been riffing on your Portugal meltdown. Do you remember that? It was quite a performance.
  13. Saving Somalian democracy or something like that. She’s a fine Minnesotan and American.
  14. Seemed like a straightforward question about Rep Pelosi’s beliefs. I see you prefer not to answer.
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