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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Sometimes it’s best to take the well-earned L.
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/05/biden-calls-iowa-voter-damn-liar-and-fat-after-ukraine-accusation.html Biden calls Iowa voter damn liar and fat. Yeah, he’s really come a long way in the last four years. Really impressed with his personal growth. BUT TRUMP!! You are defending one of the biggest blowhards in DC Yes. We’re screwed.
  3. “Well it was true back then, just not when I made the claim”. You sound like redhawk. Really good work.
  4. Watch 30 seconds of this douche and you might reconsider your claim. I guess he grew out of such childishness. pro tip - he didn’t grow out of it. He’s a blowhard through and through. Yes, Trump is even more of a blowhard.
  5. Do you support the removal of Thomas Jefferson statues and portraits? Why or why not?
  6. Raw chicken bones will digest. Cooked chicken bones will splinter and can cause serious issues. Introducing raw meat will likely give the dog the runs for a period of time.
  7. Trump leads Biden 10% in NC, 8% in GA, 8% in NV, 5% in WI, 5% in MI, 3% in PA, and 3% in AZ Ouch!
  8. “I hate farmers, they’re mostly over subsidized losers” Splitting hairs a bit aren’t you? A second or two of thought before hitting “submit reply” is a good thing.
  9. Fingers crossed that you make more sense than “opposing unlimited illegal immigration makes you a racist. Also fk loser farmers and their farms”.
  10. I know you are young and you have previously shown yourself not to be technically sharp with your comments about balloon deflation. Are you familiar with the meaning of “jumped the shark”? It’s what you have done with this post.
  11. Depends on the color of their skin*. Obviously. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽 *RoundyLogic ®️
  12. The crippling sanctions imposed by the Brandon Administration, the most crippling ever, should be paying off at any moment now. Too late to save hundreds of thousands of innocent people unfortunately. He really f’d this whole thing up, didn’t he?
  13. Words/passages NOT found in the linked article: Trump tried to kill the vice president. Kill Murder Thank you for linking anyway. You have proven that finding information, even if it doesn’t back up your idiotic point, is quite easy. My concern now, in this thread about the murderous bomber on the loose, is that he be brought to justice. Maybe you don’t care because VP Harris is a woman of color. VERY sad.
  14. You obviously don’t back the blue. Very very sad
  15. Of course! We were almost Veep-less on that horrible day when we almost lost our democracy right up until the dinner bell started ringing. I can’t believe you are ok with Ms Harris getting blown to bits by a murderous terrorist. Very sad!
  16. Biden will do that to people. Very sad that this happened on his watch. Prayers up for all those that have lost their heads over politics these last 7+ years. You may even know such a person.
  17. What are your thoughts on the inability of authorities to capture the murderous bomber terrorist? There’s a maniac on the loose and you don’t seem to care.
  18. “Go back to China” Change China to Mexico and Nancy to any non-liberal male and your head is exploding. No worries. Consistency is overrated.
  19. Have you weighed in on Nancy P’s bigoted episode this week? If so, can you direct me to your post? I’m sure it’s consistent with your others regarding the awful people that don’t want unchecked, unlimited illegal immigration.
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