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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Yes, she’s got quite a groove going. 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️
  2. The only ones going broke here are the poor students who are being failed so miserably by left/dem/progressive policies. Sad situation.
  3. This is what you are defending. It seems like you might be unaware. But Kid Rock….sigh
  4. As an independent I would have thought you would condemn this dirtbag cop-beater. Instead you go directly to whataboutism. It’s enough to make someone question your status as an “independent”.
  5. ⬆️ Imagine the level of delusion required to use “no bullsh*t” in reference to Joe Biden. Wow.
  6. Even though Sherpa provides sober, well-reasoned military analysis backed by experience, going forward I am looking to you for my military analysis needs. You are more concise and I never have to think after reading your “thoughts”. You’ve got a fan! dear lord…
  7. Offering more “amenities” as you call them is, in essence, socialism. While many on your side have been advocating for that, I’m quite certain it’s not what most Americans want for our country. You made more sense when you were advocating for elementary schools to stock reading materials on anal/oral.
  8. In a world populated with Tiberius and Dufus from Riverside this might be the most vapid post this board has ever seen. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  9. Whopping 70%? I am better at math than redhawk but that doesn’t make me a mathematician. Does this mean that there is a good chunk of democrats that disapprove? Gosh!
  10. And you rhetorically polish Biden’s helmet 24/7. So what?
  11. Someone probably told him to leave his watch at home this time. Wouldn’t want that sort of embarrassment again.
  12. None. It’s a topic so pointless that I wonder why you would waste your time on it and then accentuate here with double question marks. Let’s just assume it’s because of TRUMP and move along.
  13. Your previous comment made it seem like you have no problem with it being in the senate. If that’s not what you meant, why say it? Just tell us where you think it’s ok.
  14. What are your ground rules for what government offices where anal (or other) is considered acceptable?
  15. I guess today is a good day to celebrate our former president BHO. I will let Joe Biden’s words take it from here: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." — Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. https://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/
  16. Mr Empathy taking care of business. The independent that goes by Pinhead from Riverside will be along momentarily to add “but Trump”.
  17. At least you have the knowledge that you cannot possibly get COVID now. Congrats.
  18. https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/obviously-political-wapo-editorial-board-slams-bidens-move-to-halt-natural-gas-terminals/ Those cons at the Washington Post are just Trump loving hacks. The main short-run damage the administration’s obviously political decision does is to the United States’s reputation for rational, fact-based policymaking, and for wise consideration of climate control in the context of geopolitics," the board wrote. "You cannot change demand for energy by destroying supply," it wrote. "If the United States did indeed curtail LNG exports, it would just drive customers into the arms of competitors such as Australia, Qatar, Algeria, and, yes, Russia. Quite possibly, some potential customers would choose to meet their needs with coal instead." Brandon is basically aiding the murderous terrorist Putin. Real nice.
  19. “Involved in Oct 7 attack”. I’m certain there are laws to keep terrorists out. I don’t believe they are necessarily enforced at our southern border.
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