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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. What’s this about Walz hosting an Islamic cleric that has nazi sympathies? I imagine it’s OK because there’s a Twitter account known as “End Wokeness” and another guy by the name of Nick Fuentes.
  2. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/deltas-top-dei-officer-jettisons-ladies-gentleman-gate-announcements-part-equity-push So we're beginning to take a hard look at things like our gatehouse announcements. You know, we welcome ‘ladies and gentlemen.’ And we've asked ourselves, ‘Is that as gender inclusive as we want to be?’" This makes complete sense and is long overdue. Delta finally listening to their customer base and giving the flying public what they’ve been demanding. 🫃
  3. And some of it lying like when you wanted people to believe that you went to school with Susan Collins. Talk about weird.
  4. You are a true ally and moral person. Good for you. All that association with suicide is not really important.
  5. Many on your side have difficulty defining what an “actual female” is. This includes a mid-60s “doctor” that posts here regularly. Are you able to help us all out? You don’t seem bright enough to be a biologist so I have my doubts.
  6. Would be very nice if this is true but I think we should keep this handy as a measuring stick for your future projections.
  7. https://wchstv.com/news/nation-world/dem-senator-falsely-suggests-jd-vance-never-served-in-military-sen-tina-smith-d-minn-corrected-by-cnn-jim-acosta-politics-tim-walz
  8. F those kids, right? I imagine you see yourself as some sort of avant garde character. In reality you seem quite weird.
  9. You were in your wheelhouse when you were focused on dick. Best to leave the talk of suicidal ideation among trans people to others. You have acquitted yourself in true brat fashion. Kudos to you, trans warrior. Hope you don’t end up trying to kill yourself.
  10. “Hey kid - there’s a much greater chance that you will try to kill yourself if you proceed with chopping your body up. I definitely think you should proceed” -GMB Very brat
  11. https://www.cureus.com/articles/201512-risk-of-suicide-and-self-harm-following-gender-affirmation-surgery#!/ Results Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not Patients who have undergone gender-affirming surgery are associated with a significantly elevated risk of suicide, highlighting the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support. Thoughts? Brat or not brat?
  12. What are your thoughts on the 12-13x increase in suicide attempts found among those that have gone through gender reassignment surgery? Nothing to see here situation?
  13. Define “right after the riots” and since you have made it a habit of saying “show me”, show me. Also, how does this relate to his incompetent response as the riots were happening?
  14. This is going to be hard for you but please try to follow along - it’s not about more riots caused by the instantly likable grandfather-like figure. It’s about his fully inept reaction to the ones that caused untold damage in his state. It’s part of his record as governor. I know you think all is well because it’s all been rebuilt four years later (it hasn’t despite your clueless claims to the contrary) but you couldn’t be more wrong.
  15. What is a woman? You don’t seem to know since you reached your mid 60s. I suspect you knew up until your almost-mid 60s.
  16. All you had to say from the get-go. Good for you. In the last two days you have made yourself clear on the topics of arson and government taking custody of children over the matter of gender affirming care. You are a good and moral person.
  17. What about those cases where parents don’t want their 14-year-old experiencing the wonders of gender affirming care but Junior insists that it happen? In Minnesota, that would be a situation where the state would step in and take temporary custody of the child. Do you support it? Rather than twisting and turning and going through endless tortured arguments, just say no, you don’t support it. You’re on fire! More please!
  18. It seems like you may be a graduate of The Frankish Reich School of Comedy. That’s not nothing! You don’t read well. If it’s a government action that you support, just say so. Why the fear?
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