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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. He’s been out of office for over a year. Redstate is assigned a demerit for this effort.
  2. Your claim all along has been that it’s all good because Biden complied with the request to return documents. Hur’s report makes it clear they aren’t charging him because he’s too feeble to stand trial, not because he was a good citizen for turning them in. You are actually trying to take a victory lap?
  3. Here’s a CNN personality who claims to be non-partisan but certainly leans left. I enjoy listening to him though generally oppose his thinking. Maybe the hysterical lefties here that have their panties bunched over Tucker the Traitor can learn something from him. Unlikely but still.
  4. Unfortunately he’s already forgotten he said it.
  5. You will be up and running calling people you disagree with scum/POS/traitor/etc in no time. You’ve got this, big guy!
  6. Now you are going full Tiberius. Never go full Tiberius. Can’t you express yourself without the dramatics? I guess it’s just you giving everyone the horns. What part of the interview do you most take exception to?
  7. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-classified-documents-report-02-08-24/index.html Blames his staff. Who could have imagined. It’s probably staff that shared the materials with ghostwriters too.
  8. Nobody wants the DAZ horns! You’re a hoss! Your seeming self-importance might set you up nicely for comparisons to the mostly absent redhawk/Joe Ferguson forever. Good for you!
  9. Similar levels of childishness on occasion is what made me ask. You at least have the capability of expressing yourself soberly when you choose. Not sure why you tend to lapse. Sorry.
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