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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Some consider him spry (for his age). 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  2. I will take one for the team here. Don’t be. The guy is a douche and it was an idiotic bit. I’m sure he would be happy to know that it hit home with at least one person out there.
  3. You’ve seen him walking, tumbling, and fumbling. The entire world has. Spry?? Now you’re just being a fanboi. Good lord. SPRY?? Give me a damn break.
  4. I don’t. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of your post a few minutes ago about how they should all work together. Of course they should when it’s Biden in the Oval Office. There is 0% chance you thought that way 2016-2020.
  5. Are you trying to have someone here believe that you ever had the thought “why won’t the democrats just work with Trump” at any point in time? As the guy you recently defended as being sharp enough for the job would say “c’mon man”.
  6. Laughable. The “journalists” have chosen teams. They are no more interested in the truth than Joe Biden or Donald Trump are. Incredible that you would actually hit the “submit reply” button for that.
  7. I strongly suspect you did not engage in this sort of thinking in the time period 2016-2020.
  8. I wonder why the mayors of these cities feel the need to virtue signal their sanctuary status if that’s all it is. Any chance it had something to do with the orange menace? I also think it might be time for that study to be updated. I noticed the date of the article is from the summer of 2022. The picture at the top of the article is of Denver. Based on what I’ve read lately I don’t think they’re super happy with how being a sanctuary city is working out for them. You can champion the concept of sanctuary city until the cows come home. I will just see what’s before me and make my own assessment.
  9. It’s a city that does not follow federal law regarding illegal immigrants. Right? How is that working out for cities that proudly proclaim themselves sanctuaries? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/27/adams-sanctuary-city-laws-new-york-00143705 All the “human trafficking” that delivered these people from under bridges in Texas to America’s great metropolitan areas seems to have caused some heartburn.
  10. “The only reason anyone cares about these heinous crimes and victims thereof is because the perpetrators have brown skin” -roundy or some such childish bullsh*t
  11. Now that you have all the sources you could want, do you have anything to add? “All good” -roundy
  12. Let’s not be too quick to discount the possibility. Your ideological boardmate, redhawk, time traveled in order to go to college with Susan Collins. Why he wanted to do that I don’t know, but he did.
  13. Anything further to add relative to this story? I noticed that you had nothing to say about the heinous crime while you were getting your Two Minutes Hate in for your ideological foes.
  14. I guess this has been a learning experience for Hamas.
  15. The fact that the only thing he has shown revulsion with is people noticing this POS being an illegal is quite a take when the murder of a young lady is the issue.
  16. You seem upset. It seems that the end story is likely to be that he entered the country illegally. Have you formulated your outrage for when that’s confirmed? Maybe it’s a situation where the murdering Venezuelan brother, aka “an Athens man” is the one that followed immigration law as opposed to the brother arrested with a bogus green card.
  17. Based on your previous logic he would be fine with the millions pouring in illegally if only they weren’t brown, correct?
  18. You, on the other hand, seem rather witty. In a Steven Colbert sort of way. Well done young man!
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