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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Overwhelmingly? Don’t count those chickens just yet: https://theconversation.com/young-people-are-lukewarm-about-biden-and-giving-them-more-information-doesnt-move-the-needle-much-222233 A December 2023 poll showed that 49% of young people supported former President Donald Trump, while just 43% of 18- to 29-year-olds said they preferred Biden. The Dec 23 poll referenced comes from the NYT.
  2. There’s no shortage of kooks out there. Just to make sure I’m clear on the ground rules going forward - several years after this was a “hot” topic (I learned today that anyone that watches the news knows what it is) any use of the word adenochrome in memes/gifs/political cartoons/conversation is a sure fire sign of Q? Do I have that right? Seems like the kind of thing, at this point, people might joke about in order to get a rise out of someone.
  3. Yeah - pizzagate was/is a HUGE mainstream news story. I imagine Joy Reid is all over it. I want to commend you for reining in your hysteria of late. In terms of quantity that is.
  4. Interesting coming shortly on the heels of “nobody on my side ignores posters”. malignancy like billstime - deserves to be heard pizzagate nut - BAN HIM Confession and I think there’s an outside chance this is a good thing - I don’t know what pizzagate is. What percentage of the population do you suppose does know what it is? Thank you.
  5. Reads like a mild exoneration for those coming from the left. Do you read any of the crap the two aforementioned pinheads post? Add roundy and redhawk to that mix. Bottom line - there is no difference.
  6. You seem to be viewing this through an ideological lens. I understand. Two questions if I may; who are “they” and how are “they” connected to billstime and tiberius, if at all?
  7. Just pointing out that you’ve done a whole lot of keystroking with him as the focus. Stay strong. You’ve got this!
  8. For someone that is typically rather strident and only a touch less animated than billstime, I want to commend you for being calm and collected with “yes, the border needs to be fixed”. Impressive.
  9. It’s all in reaction to the rampant Islamophobia that’s out there. I thought it had died down after peaking around noon on 9/11/01 but I guess I am wrong.
  10. Please describe who “we” consist of as it relates to your ideological teammates on this board.
  11. NBC bringing us this gripping feature story about Aunt Karen knitting a non-binary blanket. sigh
  12. Seems like NC has you triggered. Stay strong. All my best.
  13. Brandon has a touch of redhawk in him. Lies about the dumbest things imaginable.
  14. Frankish has been getting cheap gas and fed everyone at Thanksgiving for $6/head. Color me skeptical about this latest “data”.
  15. Chilling! Normal people (ie not you) do not see Nazis around every corner. lmao
  16. How did you get from a social media post with the N word in it to nazi ideology? Every racist utterance is now equivalent to nazi ideology? Better let redhawk know.
  17. Nice job Brandon. Another success on the world stage. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/09/middleeast/airdrops-gaza-israel-us-explainer-intl/index.html But the UN and aid agencies have questioned how effective they will be at alleviating the situation, and their risks were shown starkly on Friday when malfunctioning parachutes caused aid pallets to hurtle from the sky at breakneck speed, killing five unsuspecting civilians. But despite this advantage, aid agencies say their drawbacks overwhelmingly outweigh their benefits. “Humanitarian workers always complain that airdrops are good photo opportunities but a lousy way to deliver aid,” Richard Gowan, the International Crisis Group’s UN Director said. The UN special rapporteur for food, Michael Fakrhi says airdrops usually culminate in chaos.
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