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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Thanks. On a 1-10 scale of that stadium is going to be super cool, what do you give it?
  2. I’m not one of the “you guys” but am fine with the generalization. It’s what you guys do. See what I did there? I’m not as terrified of hyberbole and rhetoric as the lefties of the board seem to be. I’m more terrified when speech, even of the idiot variety, is suppressed.
  3. Statement is total crap. To this day Trump brags about the vaccine. Millions and millions of republicans got vaccinated. Perhaps antivax MANDATE is more honest.
  4. American here - he comes off as weak and unserious while simultaneously having a tyrannical streak. Seems a bit of a juxtaposition doesn’t it?
  5. Last week you were truncating the comments of the dufus running for governor in NC so you could make a nonexistent point. An exercise in disingenuousness. Now this. Good heavens.
  6. Ah. Now I understand why you haven’t shared with us since late December. Thank you.
  7. My post wasn’t a very lengthy one. I suppose you could have missed the part about going quiet on gas prices. You seemed pretty happy in late December and I just found your lack of follow-up to be interesting.
  8. You have gone awfully quiet in this thread as it relates to gas prices. Imagine that.
  9. Glad you agree that Biden owns it. To answer your disingenuous question - every jackass that voters have sent to Washington for decades. Only one administration has allowed things to spiral completely out of control however. A colossal f-up every step of the way but at least they have begun to smarten up (by reacting to polls) a few months away from an election.
  10. Your original claim that “democrats have started to smarten up” is ludicrous. You have equivocated on it so much tonight that you likely realize as much, but in an orange man fashion, can never admit as much.
  11. Biden owns it. A colossal f-up from his first day in office. Those awful republicans in the first quarter of 2024 are the baddies though. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/01/27/biden-immigration-policy-trump/ Biden signed more executive orders related to immigration than any other topic on his first day in office. He’s taken more than 500 executive actions since then, already surpassing former president Donald Trump’s four-year total, according to a recent tally by the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute (MPI). But one of Biden’s most active areas of policymaking has become one of his biggest vulnerabilities to reelection. The president’s management of the southern border and immigration is his worst-rated issue in polls,
  12. Sorry but no credit can be given. The border has been an all out disaster on Biden’s watch. That dems are now pretending they care about it is as transparent as it gets. You keep biting though. Dems doing the right thing about crime based solely on Hochul and the NYC subway. As the spry for his age President would say “c’mon man”. How many weeks passed between the cop-beating illegals being released without repercussion by the democrat-dominated NYC “justice” department and democrats doing the right thing about crime?
  13. Why didn’t you just start with “democrats are reacting to polls” instead of starting with “democrats are beginning to smarten up”? You seem desperate to give your preferred side credit when they’ve done nothing to earn it since Jan 2021.
  14. So here in the last few days and weeks democrats are smartening up and moving to center with an election-driven border concern and with Kathy Hochul sending the guard into the NYC subway. This is your argument? Good heavens man.
  15. You lack self-awareness. You have posted meaningless bromides in several threads tonight with nothing to back them up and you now decry someone that did not provide data. A majority of your posts include childish drivel like GQP and get off much muh muh lawn and here you are concerned about snideness and snark. You are all over the place. Some might even think you a hypocrite.
  16. You followed up this bit of genius by ragging someone about their “feelings”. Really solid work. Maybe you should take the rest of the night off, rest up, and come back strong tomorrow.
  17. So you are giving the democrats credit for wanting to “do something”, you are bothered by recalcitrant republicans for standing in the way, and you are simultaneously admitting it’s because of the election. That’s interesting. 🤦‍♂️
  18. Any examples of “democrats are starting to smarten up by moving more to center”?
  19. Not in 2021, 2022, or 2023. Now in early 2024 it’s an issue to be addressed. What are your thoughts on why your preferred party showed such little interest until now?
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