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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Reliable mainstream media tonight - “why this hack may actually be good for Kamala Harris”.
  2. What will bother the many fans of the instantly likable and relatable Coach Timmy? Him praising an antisemite or CNN reporting that he praised an antisemite?
  3. Walz military fabrications are the lead story on NBC Nightly News tonight. Maybe some people care. Perhaps those that served and sacrificed.
  4. Fair enough. Why you felt the need to respond so childishly last time is anybody’s guess. You and Roundy seem to be strong trans advocates. No problem there outside of the shrillness that frequently accompanies any discussion. I do find it interesting that neither of you will touch the suicide issue as it relates to gender reassignment surgery. A 12 to 13 fold increase in suicide attempts seems pretty serious.
  5. Recently: me - what are your thoughts on increased suicide attempts by those people that undergo gender reassignment surgery? you - that’s a serious matter. Do you have a peer reviewed paper you can share? me - shares paper you - I don’t care about other peoples genitals. are you really the one to be whining about the lack of real conversation?
  6. Sounds like either your dream was inaccurate or your memory of it is hazy. Possibly it is your memory of your previous comments that is hazy. You were “excoriated” (I hope you recovered) because you defended the now ex-presidents (wonder why that is) by removing both Jews and the specific questions at the heart of the matter from your comments. Some quality work you put in on that. Shame the ex-presidents couldn’t make your argument and save their jobs.
  7. Emma needs to simmer on down a notch with all her fancy data and charts. There’s an ideology that needs to be defended and she’s not helping at all. please note that I assumed Emma’s pronouns. Apologies to all those offended.
  8. An embarrassment outdone only by those that defend this behavior. Truly disgraceful.
  9. We don’t have a Trudeau to lead us so some of our citizens show an interest. Lol.
  10. You have spoken for everyone by declaring that no one cares. For you to respond in this way only highlights your lack of self-awareness. Another of your hallmarks. Sad. I speak for no veterans. Their service and sacrifice does the talking. I suspect people that served in combat care. I know the grieving family of Marine Lance Cpl. Patrick Ryan Adle cares. I suspect people that loved the guy in this picture care. Better for you to be outraged about people caring so that you can continue fluffing a fat f**k 60 yo politician. Weird that you are invested in that.
  11. You won’t address if you think those that served in combat and those that suffered are offended by Walz misrepresenting his service - repeatedly. Over a period of years. Two paragraphs. The last two were more of your trademark overwrought whining.
  12. Interesting reply to make it all about tampons. Your episode of soiling yourself and darting into the girls room must have really left a mark. I imagine the 94% understands what kind of person nods along on camera when their interviewer describes them as an Afghanistan war vet. Do you think those that saw combat care? Those wounded care? Those that lost loved ones? It’s ok that you do not. You have already declared yourself a moral person so no need for you to reexamine. Easier for you to pretend the issue is solely related to paperwork. Weird.
  13. You are the one that homeschool’s, correct? Man, those kids are really starting off behind the 8-ball.
  14. I believe your beef is with the reliable mainstream outlet CNN along with several others giving this play. You may also have a bone to pick with the Harris campaign for scrubbing Coach Timmy’s bio in order to clean up something he misspoke about many times over a period of years. Do you know anyone that has ever seen combat? Do you think the men and women (however that word is defined) who have appreciate Joe the plumber, Roundy the urban planner, or Coach Timmy the VP candidate lying, misspeaking, or in a nod to your guy L Ron, making things up about their service? While someone like you, the sort of person that blithely minimizes the impact of arson on those that actually are victims of it, doesn’t care, I imagine a great many that served do care. Imagine someone that suffered a permanent injury or lost a loved one in combat listening to a fat f**k like Coach Timmy lie about serving. In your mind this is “fellating the military”. The only fellating taking place is that which you are administering to a 60 yo white guy politician. Weird. Very weird. Keep on riding that “arson is no big deal, lying (or repeatedly misspeaking over a long period of time) about military service is no big deal, and tampons in the boys room are necessary for convenience because you once sh*t yourself and had to use the ladies room” train. It works for you. And for heaven’s sake please stop seething and screeching because people are taking notice of a politicians words and actions. It’s weird. Very weird.
  15. Why is CNN covering this? Roundy has already decided that nobody cares about the matter. Time for the right wing hacks at…CNN…to move along. The classic “misspoke”. It’s up there with L Ron and “makes things up”.
  16. Overheard at Costco lady 1 - “Why do they call him Tampon Tim?” lady 2 - “ because he gives out free tampons! He’s like Tampon Santa!” lady 1 “that’s really nice!” lady 2 - “it’s also because he put them in boys restrooms” lady 1 - “that’s weird. Wtf?”
  17. He’s an embarrassment for several reasons. In this instance all he had to do was say “let me correct the record, Nancy”.
  18. I withdraw my earlier apology. Walz clearly misled people to have them believe he served in Afghanistan. I don’t understand why a grown man would do the things that he’s done as it relates to his military service. He could be proud of what he did without embellishing it. That’s embarrassing. I do understand why you are willing to excuse it. You will twist and turn to fluff your favorite politicians in every instance. I look forward to your commenting on him hosting, on five occasions, a Nazi sympathizer. That should be fun.
  19. I will take the word of the reliable Washington Post and yourself on the Afghanistan matter. My apologies. Iraq?
  20. Why do you think he lied about being in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are you OK with that?
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