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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Be on the lookout for your ideological board mate, Frankish, to step in here and issue a correction and a harrumph over your use of patiently instead of patently. That’s his thing though it’s possible he only does that to people that don’t share his views. Whatever. Patiently/patently makes no difference. It’s just another idiotic statement from you. Open your eyes and see what’s in front of you re: the border. The entire world can see it’s a disaster that is based on quantity, not skin color. You sounded more intelligent when you were telling us how balloons deflate. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  2. Only the ones that do violent crimes. All the other colors of people that do violent crimes bother me too. Solid argument you’ve got going. Sadly, it’s with yourself as any breathing being can see what a load of crap it is.
  3. Shooting the messenger. Appears to be a specialty of yours. Care to explain why he is self-hating? As an attorney I’m sure you make a fine psychologist.
  4. At least you put in the effort on behalf of something or other. Well done.
  5. This area of the Patapsco River is wide open with an enormous amount of room between the main supports. It’s more Chesapeake Bay than river. It was a freak occurrence that had nothing to do with speed.
  6. We can be thankful this bridge didn’t collapse as this good American president rode a train across it many times. effing idiot
  7. Especially Greenwald now that he seems to tilt right! All that Snowden stuff really wasn’t journalism, even though he was reliable left in those days
  8. “an” act, not “a” act. Thought I would commit a random act of kindness and save Frankish the trouble of ignoring the point and focusing on the grammar. I’m something!!
  9. It’s something that needs to be rebuilt, but is not “super important” as you label it. It’s the least trafficked area of the beltway around Baltimore. There are tunnels at interstate 95 and 895 that can be used as well as the beltway around the other side of town.
  10. But the president’s rosy economic picture hasn't reached everyone. Two years of steep inflation has hit working families hard, especially those living paycheck to paycheck. 4th&long says no.
  11. That’s quite the takeaway. I will see if I can get the attention of “Genius Bot X” and let him/her know of your dissatisfaction.
  12. It’s mostly an example of awful journalism and an unwillingness of many to read past the headline. He wasn’t arrested “at” the border. He was arrested “along” the border and has been in the US for years. It’s not a border story.
  13. The music-making brown people are only picking on her because she’s a woman and…..brown.
  14. She’s an embarrassment. Hopefully the people of her district are growing tired of her. Unbelievable.
  15. Texas has really screwed us. If only they were more welcoming to brown people. Let’s go KJP, Let’s go Brandon.
  16. Fetterman with another W. Menendez on the other hand is truly a POS.
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