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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. So when you say “I’m sure” you really mean “I have no idea”. 👍
  2. The internet is forever. Should be very easy for you to back up.
  3. Kid, for someone railing earlier about people being unaware, you bring a special brand of cluelessness to the show. Nice work.
  4. Wow, you’re edgy lol! Not overly clever or witty lol but you’ve got the young guy edginess down lol. Colbert-esque lol. Well done lol! The president of the United States makes a proclamation for a “made up celebration”, posts it on the social media that has your panties bunched, and you are annoyed at people noticing. But, that’s your thing, eh?
  5. WHY DOES ANYONE CARE WHAT THE PRESIDENT DOES?? Solid takes you’ve been bringing. Only the idiotic things. Sadly….
  6. Something so absurd is easy to remember and to find. In the thread about those horrible nazi soccer moms you wrote: You’re doing this to attack gay folks. That’s always been the goal. Maybe you meant free speech but accidentally typed “gay folks”. It’s good that you put it out of your mind.
  7. wgaf what Isaac thinks? He, along with everyone else, with the exception of L Ron Einstein, spends too much time online. Leave Biden alone already!
  8. You have absurdly posted in another thread that not allowing “literature” in elementary schools featuring anal/oral to be an “attack on gay people”. Hypocrite heal thyself.
  9. Yet this POTUS felt the need to issue a proclamation. Why? Maybe he spends too much time online and has bought in on the awful travails of the trans community.
  10. Is this guy considered a brown person? I need to know how racist I am for being concerned about this matter.
  11. Pendejo didn’t have enough sense to hole up in a sanctuary city apparently. Those that notice any of this don’t like brown people* *roundylogic™️
  12. Your twitter feed seems rather interesting. Good for you!
  13. You are certainly approaching Billstime level of obsession. Do you think about Trump upon waking in the morning? If not, what generally gets you started?
  14. I am not one to see the world through Trump-colored glasses. I will leave that to you, Billstime, and Tiberius (yikes, that’s hurtful. I apologize in a less than half-hearted way). If that’s Trump’s position it will change by nightfall and every 12 hours between now and November.
  15. So when you stated earlier “he is essentially one of the "Gays for Gaza" that people ruthlessly mock here” you are in agreement with the basis for the mocking if not the mocking itself? Are you also suggesting that any gay person protesting or expressing support for Gaza is self-hating? Based on all the tiptoeing you are doing it seems that you were just making a snide comment about a gay dude who’s politics you don’t agree with.
  16. Did BHO match his ultra-clever “ the 80s called and want their foreign policy back”? That’s a timeless classic if there ever was one.
  17. That is your reason for describing him as self-hating? Why all the dancing around? Just give us the psych evaluation. Maybe a self-evaluation while you’re at it.
  18. It’s almost as if you don’t have a reason for describing him as a self-hating married (widowed) gay man.
  19. I guess since you’ve moved on to Tiffany that means you won’t tell us why Glenn Greenwald is a self-hating married (widowed) gay man. I was really looking forward to your thoughts. Oh well.
  20. Millions and millions of dollars are at stake. I am betting the shipping channel is in use during the month of May.
  21. I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way -G Benson/W Houston we’re screwed
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