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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Thank you for being willing to play the role of referee/hall monitor. You seem to enjoy that. To each his own.
  2. TOP POSTERS IN THIS TOPIC BillStime74 posts Doc29 posts Tommy Callahan20 posts 4th&long19 posts Nice work
  3. Pretty sure Frankish has proactively disproved the WSJ with his Thanksgiving meal cost per head. No information on what he is paying for gas over the last several months.
  4. Green Party candidate for Senate. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽
  5. You’ve quickly gotten the hang of things here at PPP. Very well done.
  6. Do you really have that much free time?
  7. Very kind of you to post in billstime’s personal sandbox thread. Sadly, your tongue in cheek comment regarding the attractiveness of transpersons makes YOU, according to his standards, a hate filled FREAK. No good deed goes unpunished!
  8. https://variety.com/2018/politics/news/chelsea-handler-lindsay-graham-tweet-1202661260/ Lefties would never engage in such a thing. This link re: Graham is surely an isolated incident. You’re on fire today!
  9. Say nothing. Enact and enforce laws that don’t allow 21-time arrestees to be on the street. Of course, people like you would bellow something about skin color in a case like this. The left is not bashful about demonstrating. Maybe it’s like a balm for them. Just not in this case because the cop knew what he signed on for. Right?
  10. Why aren’t democrats up in arms about the case of a 21-time arrestee offing a cop? I guess Hochul was. Biden, Clinton, Obama and their devotees not so much.
  11. What makes you think this? Are you assuming so or did the White House communications crew have to issue yet another clarification for him? Do you honestly believe the old boy had any hand in the issuing of the proclamation? If so, do you really think he knew what the text of the proclamation was? Other defenders of Biden have declared a young staffer is responsible for the proclamation.
  12. No. You’ve expressed yourself quite clearly on where you stand relative to a 21-time arrestee murdering a police officer. As you have expressed yourself so clearly I note that you have nothing to say about the career criminal involved. Nice. Here’s something you will probably learn once you have a little more life experience - sometimes it’s better to say nothing.
  13. Yes, your initial “he knew what he signed up for” post is draped with sadness. You posted a disgusting comment. Better to own it than try to worm your way around it.
  14. Your takeaway from a murdered law enforcement officer leaving behind a wife and child is to shrug your shoulders and be disgusted by people that are upset over it. Good for you. Something tells me you have never expressed a similar sentiment regarding capitol police on duty Jan 6. It’s what being rigidly aligned to a political party does to someone. Effing pathetic.
  15. I thought everyone was talking about sex because gay people exist. I guess you were talking out your ear with that one. I can’t keep up.
  16. Cop killed - whatever People reacting - disgusting! That’s a fine position you are staking out. Nice work.
  17. I’m just trying to follow your thinking. You - Partial shutdowns were an “exceptional” step Me - Why? You - why not?
  18. Are you referring to the sort of shutdowns that had mom and pop shut down but Target going full speed ahead? Is there data out there to suggest partial shutdowns were of any value?
  19. I believe burning the Koran in quantity outside of a mosque should be investigated. You seem to be portraying yourself as it not being worthy. Weird.
  20. You seem butt hurt over someone’s butt hurt. Too funny!
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