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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. How does a racist like this have his own tv show and why are the native Swedes so afraid of brown people? Sad.
  2. Fill us in on where your caring for and about illegal immigrants begins and ends.
  3. Re: 2 - you are burying your head in the sand if you can watch what’s happening at our southern border and declare it’s a matter of racism. Re: 4 - you will probably learn one day that there is value in putting your money where your mouth is. It’s a matter of credibility. If all you can do is babble on and call other people racists what’s the point?
  4. 1. Several people here get offended by this sort of talk and I wanted to be respectful to them. 2. This is childish drivel. If everyone concerned about our out of control southern border is a racist then the word racist no longer has any meaning. That’s on you. 3. Washington Republicans are absolute sh*t bags. in my opinion, they are outmatched in that department by the slimmest margin imaginable by those on the other side of the aisle. 4. my point was to help you expose yourself a little bit. I would think someone so willing to label others as racists would have a little deeper conviction as far as doing something tangible. Obviously in your case I’m wrong about that.
  5. I will be happy to elaborate. After I have done so if you would do me the favor of pointing out where I have invalidated the actions of 65,000 people I would appreciate it. Don’t spend all day looking for it though. That would be a waste. Those 65,000 people are doing **TRIGGER WARNING** God’s work. I honor and respect what they are doing. Your contribution on the other hand, is to label people as racist that disagree with your view of the border situation. A situation that even your party leadership will now admit is an all out disaster.
  6. It’s a topic that you are obviously passionate about. So passionate that you are willing to label people as racist, but not quite passionate enough to do anything meaningful about it. Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of company. Carry on young person!
  7. I’m starting to think that you are not one of the 65k good Americans. Who could have ever imagined that?
  8. You think that because you are dim. I think it’s fantastic. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your experience.
  9. It was only supposed to be a minor incursion though. Can’t believe Putin ignored Joe on that. Nobody could have predicted it.
  10. Here’s a man that hasn’t lost “it” yet. Maybe there’s hope for the XY bunch after all! He probably has actually lost “it” but not in the Daz sense.
  11. I assume you are one of the 65K. What are your responsibilities and how is it going?
  12. You must have billstime on ignore. Otherwise you would have seen his post in this thread stating “It's a hoax - that's all the cult has. One psyop after another”. So there’s one for you.
  13. Putin‘s price hike has lasted so long that Bidenomics has morphed into Brandonflation. Damn Trump
  14. The old boy has a long, documented history of racist utterances and behaviors. Were you to label him a racist you would’ve finally gotten something right here at PPP. Missed opportunity.
  15. Disappointed but unwilling to label the big guy a racist as you so readily do to those here. Consistency is overrated anyway.
  16. Speaking of racism - what do you make of Biden saying today that he’s looking into closing the border? Do you think he’s afraid of brown people in the same way that you have accused everyone else of being that has shown concern about the border situation? If not, why not? Be careful not to sh*t on yourself with your answer. It’s a trap after all.
  17. What are your impressions of the stadium outside of seat cost? The model??
  18. Of course not. Instead, it shall be proclaimed from the highest office in the land. Why?
  19. For every MTG there is SJL. Many of the unhinged here at PPP don’t seem to realize that.
  20. You seem to have a thing for gay people whose politics you don’t like. Very, very weird post in a thread about censorship in Brazil.
  21. Agree. Lincoln Project please take note.
  22. Maybe consider working on that rather than telling everyone else how superior you are. Best of luck.
  23. You are clearly a pious individual. One question - isn’t foul language, like you use here regularly, considered haram?
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