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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Is there some sort of spreading “all college students are bad” movement out there that I’m not hearing about? Please share the details.
  2. Part of the polling you cited indicates that a full 10% of students think it’s ok to restrict campus access for Jews. That seems like a story. Replace “Jews” with “blacks” or “lgbtq+” and it’s a nonstop story. I wouldn’t want to be a Jew these days. Very sad what young “progressives” have become.
  3. The rest of your post takes a sincere tone. What is the above comment supposed to be? I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and think that it’s satirical.
  4. What are you suggesting with your last paragraph? Ignore them? Laugh it off? Blame journalists for reporting on it?
  5. Enjoy. Just remember to clean up after yourself and wipe your keyboard down.
  6. Supposition your honor. At a glance, it was clear to me that I would not be very interested in a blow by blow I(I’m assuming there’ was some blowing that went on) of the events. A quick scroll through was enough to determine the excitedness level of certain posters. Nobody’s telling you not to enjoy the day. The poster to which you are referring is your bogeyman (in addition to orange man) not mine.
  7. Ever ask yourself how you got to the point where you are providing excited updates, seemingly by the minute, to a message board frequented by 12 people? Not judging you, just wondering.
  8. Is there anything that hasn’t gone to complete sh*t on Biden’s watch? Sad!
  9. We’ve known this to be true for a while now. They can easily be found on the nazi hiking trails that redhawk frequents.
  10. So, no thoughts on Biden sh*tting himself. That’s all you had to say. Would’ve saved you some time and possibly a few brain cells. I’m sorry you had to look all that up.
  11. No need to repost the tweet as it’s been posted several times but what are your thoughts on Joe sh*tting his pants this weekend? How did the Democrat Party go from “Orange Man bad” to “we love and support the guy sh*tting himself in public”? LOL 😂 only in politics.
  12. Generally agree with the premise of the thread but let’s see what kind of bounce, or drop, comes after Brandon dropped a load in his pants this weekend.
  13. “stop paying attention when Fetterman makes a sensible statement” -Frankish
  14. Go ahead. Use the slur you are so comfortable with. You know you want to.
  15. With all the Islamophobia sweeping the land it’s nice to see someone like Rep Bowman stand tall in support. effing shitbag
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