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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. “Who needs allies”? - one side of L Ron’s mouth ”TRUMP HATES NATO” - the other side stale and witless age-related dig incoming.
  2. No fear at all. I have the advantage of life experience whereas you are wet behind the ears. We’ve all seen the school board meetings that spin out of control when a parent begins reading aloud from a library book that most normal adults prefer not to have available at school. You have successfully twisted yourself into a pretzel with this idiotic post to the point you are denying what you know to be true. Next up from you - “there is no such thing as drag queen story hour”. “This didn’t happen and hasn’t happened on numerous occasions” -roundy
  3. Yes you have. To include graphic sexual materials for elementary school children. Materials that school boards are embarrassed to have read aloud at their meetings. You believing you have the moral high ground on this matter is stunning.
  4. Billstime and roundy disagree strenuously. You are a homophobe. Sad.
  5. In the past you have advocated for books detailing anal and oral being stocked in elementary school libraries. Now you have changed it to “books about gay people”. You don’t occupy the high ground anywhere other than in your bubble.
  6. I should have used “believed” instead of imagined. Thanks, Biden.
  7. Who would have ever imagined Jews being prevented from walking across a college campus in America? Thanks a lot, Biden.
  8. It does no such thing. Only one hypersensitive to situations that don’t fully embrace exposing young people to LGBTQIA2S+ would see it that way. Your outrage would still exist if the tweet read “sat down to play a computer game”.
  9. Read the tweet slowly and then maybe show us the part of the tweet that upsets you so. There is no claim that the pop-up was part of the game. The photos included match the words of the tweet and document the circumstances. You are creating your own outrage. Par for the course. Sadly.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13400747/Princeton-protest-mock-hunger-strike-pro-Palestine.html None of these Ivy Leaguers are willing to die for their convictions. Hard to imagine anyone believing that but that’s what makes the world go round.
  11. Energy prices are a factor. Everyone knows that. I will trumpet your economic genius if you can provide any research at all that indicates, not that energy prices are a factor, but the overwhelming reason for inflation as you have claimed. Just because you say it over and over doesn’t make it true. There has to be some meaningful data out there that backs your claim. Right?
  12. The 2 trillion American Recovery Act sent core inflation from around 2% to 10% over the course of a year. I realize the legislation has a name that can’t be argued with but my opinion is that any government intervention that increases core inflation 8% is not a winning proposition. Add in the falsely named Inflation Reduction Act at a cost of 390B to 1T. Can you put any numbers to fuel prices being the overwhelming reason for inflation? I don’t blame Biden specifically but inflation reached a 40 year high on his watch and the repeated claims of it being transitory, being branded as “Putin’s Price Hike”, and now “shrinkflation” is the issue are laughable. It’s as if this is all just happening to the guy as he stands by innocently and ineptly. If you are happy with Biden’s stewardship of the American economy you are certainly in the minority but you at least have the out of blaming OPEC for it all.
  13. Are you telling me McD’s price inflation is NOT overwhelmingly due to artificially inflated fuel prices? Make up your mind. You are a reliable defender of a guy you claim to dislike. I am not a Trump fan or defender so I can’t help you there. I imagine when Biden and his numerous mouthpieces were assuring us all that inflation was most certainly “transitory” you were buying in. When that changed to “Putin’s price hike”, I imagine you were buying in. When he claimed on CNN last night that inflation was running at 9% when he came into office did you buy in?
  14. The Paper of Record is most certainly part of the reliable media. Worry-free lithium…lol.
  15. And is therefore the overwhelming cause of inflation! good heavens
  16. Your inability to follow along with a conversation you jumped into is a you problem. Go have a vente mocha cappuccino.
  17. Many factors to include supply/demand, costs of production to include raw materias (energy) and wages, govt overstimulation. No one thing overwhelming another. You have boiled it down to fuel being the “overwhelming” cause of inflation and are sticking to it. Good for you.
  18. I stated earlier that energy prices are a factor in driving inflation. You made an incorrect claim that fuel prices “overwhelmingly” drive inflation. You are wrong but are dancing around unwilling to admit you overstated your belief.
  19. Your argument here, as incoherent as it is, is in direct contradiction with the guy you are apparently trying to back up. daz - opec has the spigot turned off you - we have more than ever! Also, coffee!
  20. We aren’t discussing the price of gas or Trump. At least I’m not. Your claim that energy prices “overwhelmingly” drive inflation is wrong. You are free to continue believing it.
  21. You seem not so much an ally with those fighting censorship as you declared yourself earlier, but more ally-ish depending on the situation. As to the bolded, it doesn’t. The overuse of the word by pinheaded hysterics has turned it trite.
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