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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. serious answer…outside of billions of people worldwide, almost nobody lol. Age demographics 2.9% of users are between the ages of 13–17, 18.1% are 18–24, 25.7% are 25–34, 18.1% are 35–44, 13.6% are 45–54, 11% are 55–64, and 10.6% are 65 and older.
  2. It will be interesting to see if any of the board lefties register any disgust over government censorship efforts. I imagine it’s more likely they defend it. Sad situation.
  3. Let he among us that hasn’t lied about winning a Chamber of Commerce award cast the first stone.
  4. https://open.substack.com/pub/taibbi/p/note-to-philip-bump?r=8yvfq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email The only thing more embarrassing than the reliable WaPo employee Philip Bump, is the title of this thread.
  5. They fooled at least two people. Oddly enough, they are both regular posters here.
  6. Total sh*tshow. To think that the last 6 nominees for president have been Trump, Clinton, Biden, and Harris is depressing and embarrassing.
  7. How many times do you open twitter on a daily basis?
  8. It’s this level of profundity that keeps me coming back for more. Thank you, 4th.
  9. I’ve been told we are witnessing a foreign policy master class. Master. Class.
  10. What difference does it make where he lives? How does he differ from Aaron Rupar or Jersey Jo? He shared an ad that is standard campaign fodder. In this instance it highlights the border disaster that has been plain as day. Some people believe it to be a matter of skin color. Those people are few and unserious. Thankfully.
  11. Correct. My comment was not about Biden, as every breathing person aside from the OP and Frankish have long had an understanding of his mental state. It was instead directed squarely at the OP who liked to pretend differently and then claimed surprise at the end.
  12. You disqualified yourself as a suitable judge of cognitive impairment with your repeated “diagnoses” of President Brandon. Frankish-level stupidity.
  13. Aside from it sounding like a nice thing to be on the receiving end of, how is it a good idea?
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/08/15/walzs-false-claim-that-vance-never-voted-any-pro-worker-bills/ Walz earns Four Pinocchios. It happens.
  15. To your credit, I believe you are the first one to ride to Redhawk’s defense on the idiotic Susan Collins lie. That’s rather kind of you. Weird for sure, but kind nonetheless.
  16. I don’t know what that means but it must be edgy or, more likely, too clever for me. “Susan Collins, who I went to school with…”. Classic. Should have pretended he went with Grace Potter.
  17. Do you consider an outrageous, easily disproven lie, a lie told more than once, and defended repeatedly, to be a passing comment? If so, why? Why not just ask the former Redhawk why he would put forth something so idiotic? Maybe you don’t want to as there is a bit of a kindred spirit thing going on with the two of you when it comes to outlandish claims. Good to have friends!
  18. I like her. That’s why I’m so horrified by your lies about her. What was your motivation? Feelings of inadequacy of some sort?
  19. What was your motivation for wanting people to believe you attended school with Susan Collins of all people? Truly a weird series of lies from you.
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