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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Yes. Nobody has made up their mind about either Trump or Brandon yet. good god, man
  2. It’s all so terrifying! How does anyone sleep at night? Thanks a lot, Brandon.
  3. Worldwide viewership will hit record numbers as people need laughs these days. The decline of America will be on full display with these two jackasses.
  4. Thank you for doing a deep dive and providing one example that suits your view. Now do Hollywood. Whining about the “right’s persecution complex” after weeks of watching leftist students whine about being denied basic humanitarian aid at their sit-ins. Good god, man.
  5. Sure, but how much did you pay for gas TODAY? You have been very slack with your updates. also - which one of you got shorted a nugget? also, also - you should alert NBC News that the segment they had on two nights ago about fast food prices is BS. Can’t believe people are falling for it when you are all the proof anyone needs. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/mcdonald-s-expected-to-introduce-5-value-meal-in-response-to-customer-backlash-over-rising-prices-210771013839 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  6. As the PPP Biden helmet polisher in chief, you never disappoint. Very nicely done. I hope you didn’t get whiplash reversing course.
  7. I did not believe there could ever be a poster more dimwitted than Tiberius. Then John from Riverside came along. I did not believe there could ever be a poster more dimwitted than John from Riverside. Then 4th&long came along.
  8. You seem a little overwrought. You might want to start thinking about your November mental health plan as well. Just in case. I can’t stand Trump. Unlike you, he did not turn me into a lip-quivering melodramatic wimp.
  9. Willing to die for their convictions…LOL 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️
  10. Just in case - best wishes in advance to you and all the other mentally weak people that have been so badly broken. Stay strong!
  11. What is your plan for your sanity if he happens to win? Seems unlikely based on the outstanding job President Brandon has done, not just here at home but around the globe, but you should probably have a contingency plan.
  12. No. I find your Trump obsession and absurd, over the top drivel funny…on occasion. Generally it’s just boring.
  13. She’s so hateful! Also normal and common sensical. You go girl!
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/lesbian-bisexual-women-die-earlier-230830457.html Lesbian and bisexual women die significantly earlier than heterosexual women, according to a new study, Starting to buy into your theory.
  15. Of course not. None of what you rambled on about, rather emotionally, applies to me. I hate the republicans almost as much as democrats. For you, the orange man and republicans are bogeymen that are coming to get you. Some of the people on your side call them NAZIS even. Very scary! Based on several of your previous posts, I was merely pointing out the hypocritical nature of your latest. Maybe you could go down the list of American allies and tell us who it’s ok to support, under what conditions, and if the conditions apply regardless of the party in power.
  16. You seem triggered tbh. Try not to be so emotional about it. We are all hypocrites at one time or another.
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