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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Read carefully p-nut. That’s a claim I haven’t made. I just know a witless outraged gen z’er like yourself would serve as lyrical fodder for FZ and he would serve it up in a clever, humorous way. You would likely have difficulty with that. I imagine you are the sort that’s all about disinformation/misinformation when it suits your needs. Rage on!
  2. Nothing says Zappa like Gen Z angst delivered wholly absent of wit. Good luck out there. You’ll eventually do fine.
  3. I did. You listening forty years later on iTunes doesn’t make you the counterculture warrior you are pretending to be here. Let me guess - some mean boomer expects you to work at least 40 hours a week and produce something. No wonder you are bitter.
  4. A time and place for everything. Pretty sure a solemn service for servicemen killed carrying out Biden’s botched withdrawal was not place. But old people!! Zappa…give me a damn break. Dude would laugh in your face. Pitiful.
  5. What is toxic masculinity? Can you define it?
  6. The clip on the right is from 2022. Still weird with the no blinking.
  7. Is he lying or just making stuff up? Does anyone other than L Ron know how to tell the difference?
  8. Disability oppression is right up there with biphobia/interphobia as problems to be addressed ASAP. When will Biden do something??
  9. For his age. Apparently Dax believes spry and ambulatory are synonymous. To be any less spry he would have to be in a wheelchair.
  10. Pretty good. I laughed but it’s also a sad matter. They are both elderly and will flail regularly. Nobody that age should be president. People pretending otherwise are either a) lying b) making things up.* *Hat tip to L Ron for providing us this classic.
  11. Who will be the first to call the March for Kids a NAZI rally reminiscent of Nuremberg? Rhetorical question.
  12. Yesterday Butker and anyone that did not disapprove of his thoughts were morons in your mind - even though you misrepresented his words to come to that conclusion. Nice work.
  13. This is hilarious. Wtf is “interphobia”? What living person has heard of or encountered “interphobia”? Embarrassing.
  14. A young guy sharing his views at a catholic university commencement has certainly set you off. I guess we all have our triggers. You more than most it seems.
  15. Old fart just doesn’t understand how awful Butker is. Where’s the OUTRAGE??
  16. Any response that starts with “whatever” is a loss. So far this morning we have you down for: Catholics bad Men bad Guns bad Abortion good Divorce good Single parent homes good (provided single parent is not a man presumably) You’ve got tons of company. I’m just making note.
  17. What if you change “as women have been set free from male domination” and “birth control, legal abortion, easy divorce” to “gun ownership has risen dramatically”? Just curious.
  18. It seems as though your contention is that children raised without a father present will have the same outcomes as those that do. Do I have that right?
  19. It doesn’t matter that this is not clever or witty in the least because you have made Gene Frenkle’s day. It’s the first time anyone has responded to his brand of idiocy. Chalk up one RAK for L Ron Goodguy!
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