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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The one sure way America can secure the future is to have schools focus less on the three R’s so that more time can be spent on LGBTQ2SIA+ because those people exist.
  2. In short, despite your earlier contention of being spelled out for all to see, the “other crime” is not specified.
  3. I notice you avoided my question altogether in favor of rambling on about the trial. You stated earlier that the crimes are in the charging documents for all to see. I listed but a few examples of accomplished people saying the “other crime” is not specified in the charges. There are many more examples. Even assuming you now know more about NY law than some of these people🙄 tell me why they are wrong and you are right.
  4. Do you believe it was a good idea for the Biden administration to issue condolences to Iran on the death of the Putin-y murderous terrorist known as the butcher of Tehran? Why or why not?
  5. Right. I’m only paying attention to one or two. In this case Honig (Harvard/lead legal analyst CNN*) and Abrams (Columbia/lead legal analyst ABC*). I am not paying attention to any of: G Germain - Syracuse Law Associated Press - Manhattan prosecutors did not specify the other crime in Trump’s indictment and said in subsequent court papers that they “need not prove intent to commit or conceal a particular crime.” Temple Law School website - The charges are for falsification of business records with intent to defraud and conceal another crime (the other crime or crimes are not specified). So on and so forth. You stated earlier that the crimes are all in the charging documents for anyone to read. Do you have any thoughts on how these well-educated folks could be so wrong? * reliable mainstream media
  6. Now I’m in a pickle. Do I listen to well-known legal analysts, analysts that are in no way fans of Donald Trump, or to the guy that brought us “everybody’s talking about sex because gay people exist” and “human trafficking”?
  7. Impressive. You are wasting your talents here at TBD/PPP. Media bigwigs like Dan Abrams and Elie Koenig had no clue what the “other crime” was on the SiriusXM show they hosted Friday. You should call in tomorrow and educate them.
  8. https://law.syracuse.edu/news/proferssor-gregory-germain-writes-the-manhattan-district-attorneys-convoluted-legal-case-against-donald-trump-gets-more-convoluted/ Do you have insider knowledge of what the “other crime” is? If so, please publish because there is an absolute sh*tload of legal analysts out there that have no clue. Might put you on the map! his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” So, in addition to proving that the business records were falsified to “defraud” someone, the District Attorney must show that Trump falsified the records to commit “another crime” separate from the fraud. Judge Marshan allowed the District Attorney to proceed with the criminal prosecution without detailing exactly what the “fraud” or “other crime” was. The District Attorney merely suggested that Trump may have committed state tax fraud, or violated the federal election laws, or violated New York election laws, but was not required to spell out the violations, or to pick which of them applied to each of the two separate crimes that must be proven under Section 175.10.
  9. You must be livid then. Kudos to you for not lashing out at yet another Biden f-up. Remarkable restraint on your part.
  10. In related news the sun will set in the west tonight.
  11. Any thoughts on why it’s generally accepted among those on the left that it’s ok for men to steal opportunities from natural born women? Biden changing Title 9 to easier allow men to take from women must bother you.
  12. Yes. I am butt hurt. Thank you for noticing and caring enough to say something. I would have liked something clever but anything is better than nothing. There are options besides nuking the board. At least one option is fully within your control. Best of luck.
  13. You’ve finally found a schtick that allows you to fit in! Congrats on your success and good luck going forward!
  14. Homoerotic - is that one of those things where you know it when you see it? Or do you have some other experience? Either way, thanks for keeping an eye out.
  15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11063965/ Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not I guess this is what billstime has referred to as “buyer’s remorse”. Of course by using those words he was trying to brush off those people who had experienced regret. Sick.
  16. Such a shame! 🕺 I don’t think she’s supposed to say that but Valentina sure seems fun!
  17. Yet you find utility in the age-related “quips”. There has to be a funny way to give somebody sh*t about being old. Hope you and some others here can figure that out. Cheers to you as well. Have a nice evening.
  18. That darn “reliable” mainstream media! Another W for them I guess.
  19. Then it’s all good! I imagine you and Flippin Chiefs have strict requirements as to what constitutes doxxing and the use of the very term. Shouldn’t you be sh*tting on middle age ladies who get hair extensions?
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