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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. The funniest parts of the skit are when Kamala speaks. She’s got quite a way about her.
  2. I got excited for nothing. Thought for sure you would tell us what you paid for gas TODAY. It’s been months. What are you waiting for? Good article! McDonald's plans to launch a $5 meal promo in an effort to lure back customers scared away by recent price hikes to its menu. The limited-time offer is slated to begin June 25 and will last about a month Not BS - 3.79 for small fries at McD an hour ago. I can manage the financial hit but that’s a little steep for a small. I imagine you would have cut them in half and fed a carful of three.
  3. Now that you’ve said it, do you feel good about doing so? You had to get something out of it. What would that be?
  4. This is pretty good. Made all the better by redhawk hitting the disagree emoji. Takes me back to the halcyon days when John from Riverside displayed his inability to distinguish satire from news for all to see.
  5. Sometimes it’s entertaining and who doesn’t like arguing? That said, I make myself sad for spending time here. Yuck.
  6. Why would that have ever been in question and which group of people were most likely to question it?
  7. I wish I could give this more than one 🍺 emoji in response. wait - I can! 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
  8. Floating pier doing a nice job of restocking Hamas. Nobody could have foreseen it. Let’s go Brandon.
  9. I did not believe there could ever be a poster more dimwitted than Tiberius. Then John from Riverside came along. I did not believe there could ever be a poster more dimwitted than John from Riverside. Then 4th&long came along. I did not believe there could ever be a poster more dimwitted than 4th&long. Then Gene Frenkle came along.
  10. If it works to lower prices we might finally get an excited update from Frankish on what he paid for gas prices TODAY. He’s been AWOL for many months on the matter. Not sure why.
  11. I have no priors on the matter. Whatever happens happens. You made a claim and I see and hear many people with legal expertise, some of them no fans of Trump or non-liberals in general, that refute your claim. I was curious as to how you believe yourself correct and these other accomplished people wrong. Your final say was “well maybe they haven’t read the documents”. Embarrassing. You have shown yourself to be full of hot air in the past and have done so again tonight.
  12. I guess it would depend on whether or not I made a claim, as you did, that is refuted by a spectrum of accomplished individuals. You did a lot of typing today to end up at “maybe they didn’t read, maybe they are wish-casting”. One of us is most certainly a hack.
  13. Maybe we can try one more time and you can attempt to answer succinctly: why are there so many accomplished legal people declaring that no “other crime” has been specified in the charging documents? There’s no need to discuss the actual trial as you have done ad nauseam or pretend you have a higher knowledge of NYS law than any of these people 🙄. Let’s just stay with the charging documents you started with.
  14. You’ve gone from “the crimes are all in the charging documents for anyone to read” to “it’s a matter of opinion built on imperfect information”. Hoo boy.
  15. Frankish has already declared this to be BS/fake news as he and two others were able to dine on a 20 piece McNugget for 6.00. No mention of sauces or who drew the short straw and only got 6 McNuggets while the others got 7.
  16. And this reasoning is why you, posting on a message board read by 12 people that are ostensibly Buffalo Bills fans, are right and so many others of prominence are wrong. That’s all you had to say. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/05/gaping-hole-trump-indictment-00090701 This is where Bragg’s indictment has done a disservice to the public and to Trump himself. Beyond a general reference to a violation of “election laws” and a passing reference to taxes, the indictment and statement of facts do not specify what “other crimes” Trump allegedly intended to commit. Another guy who is not up to your level of legal analysis.
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