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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You have a habit of making claims without being able to back them up. Google: German American Bund membership and you will find estimates of a group of 20-25K Google: America First Committee and you will find The America First Committee was founded in 1940 by a group of Yale students, many of whom would go on to distinguished careers, and funded by prominent Chicago business leaders. It was one of the largest peace organizations in U.S. history, with more than 800,000 registered members. It was a true coalition of left and right. America First included Sinclair Lewis, the novelist, e.e. cummings, the poet, Walt Disney, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Norman Thomas, the socialist leader. Joseph Medill Patterson, the liberal publisher of the New York Daily News, was a member, as was his cousin, Robert. R. McCormick, who published the conservative Chicago Tribune. Its best known member was a genuine American hero, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who became the public face of the America First movement. I am open to learning. Can you provide a link to anything that ties “America First” to a group of 1 million American nazis? I look forward to being educated. Can you also educate me on how you ever got the impression Edith Bunker played video games? Wtf was that all about?
  2. Sad but not surprising that you are unable to call out Omar’s repulsive behavior without trying to find some ridiculous equivalence.
  3. Oh no! Racism running amok! Try not to be so afraid all the time. Here’s a racist for you. Doubt I will find any instances of you condemning her(not that I will look).
  4. You spend a lot of your time doing that? Listening to Hank from Hamburg railing about brown people? Good data point.
  5. I believe that you believe that. It’s obvious that haven’t spent much time off campus.
  6. I’m not defending any policy. I’m just pointing out how clueless you sound when you make the disaster at the southern border, something your preferred politicians have acknowledged to be a nightmare, as nothing more than a matter of skin color. Based on your “logic” here, you got duped as you earned those two pieces of paper. Maybe you will get some loan forgiveness. Probably shouldn’t flatter yourself. Some things are so incredibly idiotic, so unbelievably clueless that they are difficult to forget. That’s my burden.
  7. You should have seen his educated take on how balloons deflate when he was trying to carry some sort of bizarre internet water for Biden as China showed him to be ball-less during the Balloon Festival.
  8. You have successfully morphed into Tiberius. Congrats and condolences. To your credit you have staked incredibly exclusive territory with “I hate farmers”.
  9. Are you this hysterical in real life? I’m not talking about funny hysterical. Take a breath kid. You are going off the rails.
  10. Frankish post declaring this to be BS in 3…2…
  11. I smelled bullsh*t with the All in the Family routine. Video games? Good God, man. Truly embarrassing.
  12. I know I said keep going. I shouldn’t have. If you’ve been drinking tonight I apologize for helping you sh*t all over yourself with the “facts” that you posted. Let your post above be considered the winning blow as I have no more to offer.
  13. Nice job bringing Trump into the discussion. For many it’s hard not to. Keep going kid. You haven’t been wrong about anything at all. You’re doing great! When you go ALL CAPS for attention try to get the spelling right. Otherwise you come off as a tool.
  14. Sure. Your claim that the reserve is always historically low was correct. Your claim that Obama was the one that started raising the SPR was correct. Your claim that the reserves are not low by any historical standard despite being at their lowest level in 40 years is correct. Your claim that they only started calling it the PSR out Cold War fear mongering is correct. The very idea that the PSR is nothing more than semantics is correct. You couldn’t have been more wrong on the topic. Why are you doing this to yourself and what’s the point of posturing as an authority on a topic when it’s clear that you are wholly uneducated on it? Go back to your first comment on this tonight and do some critical thinking. This is embarrassing.
  15. You have thrown up all over yourself in this thread tonight. I know it’s not possible for you but you could gain some credibility by admitting your unfamiliarity with what the SPR is and that you got it (completely, utterly, totally) wrong. Weaseling your way through a series of “yeah, but’s” isn’t doing you any favors.
  16. It’s called the STRATEGIC Petroleum Reserve. you should really take the rest of the night off Google: STRATEGIC Petroleum Reserve
  17. Here’s something else you are wrong about: During President Obama’s first term, the SPR was depleted by 7 million barrels. But from its peak the SPR was reduced by more than 30 million barrels by the end of Obama’s first term. President Obama’s second term saw less activity in the SPR, with the level decreasing by only another 200,000 barrels. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/07/07/which-presidents-filled-and-depleted-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve/
  18. I don’t believe I am overlooking anything but that link for some reason makes no mention at all of the SPR release ordered by President Brandon in 2022. Are you spreading misinformation? From the reliable mainstream media organization known as ABC: Biden significantly drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, dropping the stockpile to its lowest level since the 1980s.
  19. This is spectacular. Kudos to you!
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