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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. At least now I know I’m not missing anything from you on the football side of the board. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  2. The left have a stick up their ass example 358,932. That’s not meant to be a slur towards gay men so please put your dudgeon down. It’s a slur towards the humorlessness of the typical liberal. Thank you for playing to type.
  3. The comment about the meme police arriving was mostly sardonic but I guess it’s good to see someone grabbing the mantle. Good for you! Good for you? Not sure which punctuation mark to use.
  4. Total dumbassery on your part. I don’t care what anyone here calls anyone else. When someone, like you, makes something up and pretends it to be beyond reproach, I like to call them on it. You make it easy. At least you have given up on the 1 million part and made it about Lindbergh. Lindbergh with an h at the end. A historian of your caliber should know that. You made more sense when you were pretending to know what the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was. It’s easy to understand why you won’t take the All in the Family bait. Good for you. Hopefully you learn the pointlessness of embellishment. Unlikely, I know. It’s almost as bad as the jackass here that wanted people to think he went to school with Susan Collins.
  5. I don’t need you to show me gravity but thank you nonetheless. All I have asked is for you to back up the baseless claim you made. You can’t (there is not a single reference you can cite)and evidently all you have left is “some people listened to Charles Lindbergh”. Why on earth did you claim that Edith Bunker played video games?
  6. Your first paragraph here is commonly known as “deflection”. Incredibly weak on your part. You made a ridiculous statement several days ago, one that you tried to lend an air of authority to with “you may not be aware” that you can’t corroborate with a single reference. That’s on you. I will donate to the anti-nazi charity of your choice if you can find a post where I call someone a commie. You don’t want to spend a lot of time looking. Would be a waste.
  7. A good part of your schtick is to make a ridiculous claim, be completely unwilling to back it up despite having access to the internet, and then spinning and spinning as you are questioned on the original ridiculous claim. I will gladly move along if you can provide a single link where you gleaned the information that “America first is a group of 1 million American nazis”. Should be easy enough, right? Rhetorical question as such a link does not exist. The only place it exists is in your imagination. Now, about Edith Bunker and those video games…
  8. one MILLION American nazis keep digging
  9. Jury is out on if he is lying or just making stuff up. L Ron has the final word on the matter.
  10. Hope this doesn’t ruin the weekend for those prone to hysteria.
  11. Trust the science. Also the doomsaying hypocrite grifters.
  12. Oh my gosh, your poor mother! Indentured servitude! “My mother is college educated, stay at home but worked part time as her family grew.” Change mother to wife and that’s the story of my family. It wasn’t because of anything I did, said, or decreed. Together we thought it the best way to raise a couple kids.
  13. One of my favorites was the NHL. “Ok, players - go out there and sweat, breathe, and bleed all over each other and feel free to grapple and punch each other in the face if you like. Coaches and backup goalies on the bench are required to mask up. Any questions?”
  14. The insurrection quelled only by the dinner bell. Democracy: saved.
  15. A sad read. Hope this guy can find his way. Hard to believe that chopping off body parts ever became a fashionable and celebrated way to treat mental illness. “BFD. Buyer’s remorse” -billstime
  16. Redhawk and his Virginia virologist friends must feel like complete dumbasses.
  17. One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients. "I don't know how some of these students are going to be junior doctors," the professor said. "Faculty are seeing a shocking decline in knowledge of medical students." DEI IS AWESOME!!
  18. Historian Susan Dunn has concluded that, "Though most of its members were probably patriotic, well-meaning, and honest in their efforts, the AFC would never be able to purge itself of the taint of anti-Semitism."[6] Historian Daz28 has concluded there was a group of 1 million American NAZIS!! 🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️
  19. I am open to learning. Can you provide a link to anything that ties “America First” to a group of 1 million American nazis? It’s now a rhetorical question. Just another instance of you pretending to know something. The “you may not be aware” bit does give it an air of authority however. Nicely done. And what about Edith?
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