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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Your friend is all four of those? Your friend needs your help now if he/she/they are so mentally weak. Don’t wait. Do something now.
  2. I suspect the target audience for this headline is L Ron in particular and left leaning non-menstruators in general. Thoughts?
  3. Are womyn/womxn/menstruators walking away? According to this they object to Biden as strongly as non-menstruators.
  4. In the absence of a set of balls in the White House, I stand with Macron. Together we rue the weakness on display at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Join us!
  5. Combine this factory that will provide ammunition 1.5 years from now with the imposition of the most onerous sanctions in history 2 years ago and the tide seems to be turning! Nice job Brandon.
  6. I couldn’t watch more than a minute of that. Embarrassing. A fraction of those a-holes are embarrassed inside but not a one has enough integrity to apologize.
  7. I hate Trump but was planning to hold my nose and vote for him several months back. Since then his behavior had me planning to abstain or go with a write-in candidate. After this sh*tshow I will be voting for him. Sad situation.
  8. The word “women” can be so confusing even to someone as brilliant as a Supreme Court justice. Calling them menstruators really simplifies things and gets the job done. IMO/YMMV/WTF
  9. You just said “it’s pretty clear now”. How clear exactly if you won’t comment until the transcript comes out? Just tell us the damn crime. Please answer this simple question* - based on your expertise and what appears to be your close following of this riveting event, has the other crime ever been specified before now? Your answer will obviously be used as a cudgel against the other barrister of the board so please answer carefully. *The simple question is actually a rhetorical one so no need to think it over.
  10. Can anyone tell me what “the other crime” is yet? What specific law is Trump alleged to have broken as part of “the other crime”? https://reason.com/2024/05/24/prosecutors-are-still-hedging-on-exactly-what-crime-trump-tried-to-aid-or-conceal/ Donald Trump is charged with 34 felonies in New York because he allegedly falsified business records to conceal "another crime." In the run-up to Trump's trial, which began last month and is expected to conclude next week, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was cagey about exactly what that other crime was. His prosecutors suggested several possibilities without picking one in particular, and they are still hedging on this crucial point. It looks like the case will go to the jury with that central question unresolved. Chigoose says it’s crystal clear and everyone else out there is wrong on the matter. Can someone, ANYONE please clarify? I don’t want to have to rely on the guy that classified bussing of migrants to America’s great metropolises as “human trafficking”.
  11. A-hole alert! Cue the outrage from Gene, Roundy, daz, Tibs, lil billsy.
  12. This puts the mental fitness question to bed. unsaid by Goldman - he’s also spry for his age.
  13. “Spectacular“ -me “That’s not funny“ -every board lefty. Heck, every lefty.
  14. Then you should be able to tell us in a fraction of a sentence the specific tax and FECA laws that have been broken that he is being charged with. Virtually every legal analyst of note out there cannot do so. They are not in your league as you stated previously they have not read the documents and are wish casting. Please tell us.
  15. Smerconish radio show on SiriusXM opening this morning – “the question facing the jury is what is the other crime?” They should just ask Chigoose. He knows what it is because it’s spelled out in the charging documents. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  16. This thread has become a total drag. Why did the WaPo have to “nothing to see here” this story just as the wedgies were getting tightest? Serious buzzkill.
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