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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. So 200 million in April was only enough to cover those contingencies? Sure, bro.
  2. You stated it wasn’t widely available until summer and now you say it depends. The cute old man stated 200 million doses were administered by mid-April. How many doses had been manufactured and awaiting a willing arm on that date? Bottom line, bro - your earlier claim is crap.
  3. To get back to the matter at hand - do you believe 200 million doses of vaccine in April, whether it went to a number less than 200 million people or not, was truly “not widely available until summer” as you stated earlier? Bro, please!
  4. Are you and your team sticking with the natural origin story? It’s ok to say so.
  5. Aren’t you a little long in the tooth to be going with “bro”? Maybe I have that wrong but assumed you to be a geezer when you were opining that Megyn Kelly is not dowdy enough for your tastes.
  6. Thank you for acknowledging it was, oh, yet another Biden f up. We will chalk your f-up here on just being hasty to defend your preferred guy. It happens.
  7. I absolutely agree WITH you. Unfortunately, IT’s Washington DC we ARE talking ABOUT. That kind OF honest EFFORT would NEVER TAKe place no matter WHO is in CHARGE. EFFING SAD.
  8. Regain some control of the situation the administration let spin wildly out of control. That’s a subtlety that I think many on both sides can see right through.
  9. Not too subtle for the mass electorate to understand - the absolute sh*tshow on the southern border occurring on Joe’s watch.
  10. Agree with everything you said with a quibble regarding the above. Had he not worn the mask ON THE PITCHERS MOUND (all caps can be popular so I wanted to try it too. It’s fun!) perhaps nobody would have said boo. It was a stunning display of the idiocy of the time and a very good reason to doubt those in charge. That’s 100% on the good doctor.
  11. Have you had any follow up meetings with your band of Virginia Virologists that are certain of natural origin? It would be nice to know who I can trust on the matter.
  12. Love the chips act. Credit where it’s due. It doesn’t explain why 67% of Americans feel the country is on the wrong track as opposed to 25%. They think it is. I guess that 67% of people are mostly dumb. The number like that has to include a lot of Democrats. it takes either some really special thinking or someone completely slave to a political party to declare Ukraine better off after losing hundreds of thousands of their citizens. Pretty sure they were not at war when Biden took office. Embarrassing. Which of Biden‘s policies is responsible for malaria eradication? The idea that Biden broke OPEC by releasing stores from the strategic petroleum reserve is just flat out laughable. You don’t even believe that.
  13. And being a politician, a bad one over the course of 50 years, he would have been raising hell if there wasn’t pressure to get it done. The dumbass helped undermine public confidence.
  14. Can you identify a single place on the globe that is better off because of the policies of the Biden Administration?
  15. You have perfectly summarized what June has become. Thank you.
  16. Biden was hailing 200M vaccinated on April 21, 2021. You don’t consider that “widely available”?
  17. Which makes this statement by Kamala Harris at the VP debate so hurtful: “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it." And then there was the future President Brandon (who was still going by Biden at the time) saying: "Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious." Those comments surely did not help to save lives.
  18. How did you handle your legendary 3.99/person Thanksgiving feast? Cancelled? Doing your part staying 6 feet apart? Proof of vaccination upon arrival? Disinviting science deniers?
  19. You make it sound so awesome! Can’t wait for the next pandemic!!
  20. You got a laugh emoji from Tiberius. A day well spent. Kudos.
  21. Just because they are, by and large, responsible for the survival of the species doesn’t make them special!
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