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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Do you remember when the Nobel winning economist of the reliable NYT said something to the effect of “a first pass answer is never” regarding economic recovery immediately after the bad orange man was elected?
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/20/investing/dow-stock-market-trump-presidency/index.html just so we can compare apples to Orangeman - the S&P was up 67% under the tweeter in chief. That includes the pandemic. Not. Bad. At. All.
  3. The index that you declared, via mystery math, had doubled on Biden‘s watch finished in the red today. Nice job dumbass.
  4. Therein lies a problem with soft scolding people to take a month if they need to in order to honor something. I don’t think you get to pick and choose this month. I would now like to thank you for not scolding me about a spelling error. In a post couple prior to this, voice text transcribed horde as hoard. Very kind of you to let that slide.
  5. If we can cover one more item on taking a month to honor social change if we need to… do you consider the Leah Thomas’s of the world, you know those men that are stealing opportunities from women, as part of positive social change? Are we to honor and respect that for a month if we need to?
  6. Absolutely. Please be aware of any particular street murals if you are scootering your way to knock down a few Bud Gay’s. You don’t want to find yourself dishonoring or disrespecting social change.
  7. If there’s an elderly gay married couple down the street from me or if there’s a hoard of dudes pulling a train in a gay bar somewhere tonight, I’m fine with it. Telling me I should take a month if I need to in order to it honor any of it is ridiculous. Now bake me a cake in the shape of a c*ck, bigot!
  8. Is respecting the same thing as honoring and celebrating? I respect the journalistic achievements of Glenn Greenwald and have no opinion either way on the way he lives his life, even if he is self-hating, but don’t feel the need to honor or celebrate him in any way.
  9. The system worked! Nothing to see here!
  10. Is this Joe lying or is he just making things up? Anyone? At least he’s not a Nazi. Heil Brandon nevertheless.
  11. Good that it wasn’t this month. That would have been truly awful of you. And all that makes him “self-hating” in your mind? Seems like you want all gay people to have the same views. Views that you approve of. That’s interesting ground you are staking out.
  12. What was it exactly that led you to describe Greenwald as self-hating? That seemed really out there when you initially stated it, and particularly off-putting during a month where we are to honor social progress.
  13. I do and don’t require anyone to honor me. Must be privilege at work. Just wondering about the “honor” part as it relates to the half naked bondage dog people.
  14. Do we have to honor it if it’s on parade mostly naked, save for bondage gear and dog mask?
  15. Unless it’s illegal border crossing. For that we can make an exception.
  16. It can be fun to point out a form of nimbyism to someone so strident. Don’t take it personally - even though it’s directed squarely at you.
  17. Something with enough room to house an illegal immigrant or two.
  18. Easy cure for one of these issues - make it easier to chop off body parts. What could go wrong?
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