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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Someone is spreading disinformation. Aren’t you a little old to be so clueless? Maybe you can tell everyone which video is an exercise in bullsh*t. Olga’s or this one? You and chigoose are showering yourselves in glory here.
  2. https://www.city-journal.org/article/george-soross-bad-bet Typical cluelessness born of mental weakness. It wasn’t conservatives or the “magas” you are so petrified of, that elected these people. Soros gambled that he could swing district attorney elections by heavily funding candidates who favored his version of justice, which focuses on de-prosecution and decarceration in the name of racial equity. Prosecutors like Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Chicago, George Gascón in Los Angeles, and Alvin Bragg in New York rode Soros’s funding to victory. In pursuing this strategy, Soros made some successful calculations and some mistakes—both leading to ruinous consequences for American cities.
  3. Frankish will be along soon to explain why this ISN’T total dumbassery. What he won’t be doing is whining/sh*tting on the author of the tweet.
  4. I’m certainly skeptical of “no lie with Brian whoever”. It’s hilarious that you would use that tweet and embedded video to play the gullibility card. Really well done on your part.
  5. By virtue of buying into this pile of crap, apparently Chigoose and billstime were also being used by Russians. That has to leave a mark.
  6. Don’t be so willing to be a political hack. So much more credible to acknowledge the truth of the matter in this instance. A simple “that doesn’t look good” is all it takes.
  7. You already got to the bottom of it with your reliable reporting from Nova Scotia. Bottom line TFR > SD. edit - New Brunswick. Six of one…
  8. More ineptitude from the Biden administration. Sad.
  9. Solid, dare I say, reliable reporting from you on how the Fredericton event went down. The pretend painter(s) of Fredericton thank you for your support even if it’s for less than a whole month.
  10. Fredericton and their paint crew are going to honor social change, for a month if that’s what it takes, by pretending. Exceptionally well done Frederictonians!
  11. What do these people in uniform want? Free abortion on demand AND a pay raise? Unbelievable.
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