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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. And? Despite the recent testimony cited above, it’s always been clear that discussions of a lab leak have been looked down on, to the point of a NYT journalist calling people racists for believing it. If you prefer to align yourself with the natural origin story, have at it. I will keep an open mind but lean towards common sense on the matter.
  2. The part Redhawk likes to leave out in his 4 of 6 agencies routine is they declared their beliefs specifically as being “low confidence”.
  3. Thanks for straightening this out for everyone. I’ve been struggling with the whole mask deal for a while now. I blame this:
  4. It seems as though you believe the good doctor was truthful in all his congressional testimony regarding wuhan lad/gain of function research and funding. Do I have that correct?
  5. Why do you think Americans give him such a putrid, horrid, dismal, pathetic approval rating?
  6. Do you know someone in our age group that does NOT have experience with the elderly? If you say yes, I will have to tell you to get out more. What if I have personal experience with cortisone shots and understand how they work? Does that count for anything?
  7. You posted a highly edited video yesterday claiming it disproved Obama taking Biden by the arm. Laughable. Are you truly this self unaware?
  8. honor Filipinx even if you need a whole month to do so
  9. Nobody is going to miss Billstime a lick with the way you have started running with the ball. Impressive!
  10. You, the other barrister of the board, and the mostly unhinged alleged doctor have all declared that this didn’t happen. Who are the gullible people you are referring to?
  11. Honoring social change, even taking a whole month to do so if that’s what’s needed, becomes tiresome because of people like this. Hard to believe the White House would invite a modern day Marilyn Manson for any reason. Eagerly awaiting the imminent “but Trump”.
  12. You seem to be the only one that finds that part of it interesting. Unsurprising as you appear to somewhat of a Schumer aficionado.
  13. Based on your efforts this morning, it seems like you might be a fan (not judging). Got bobblehead?
  14. In the past you positioned yourself as knowledgeable about small town life and now you can tell us the dopiness level that NYC’ers relate to. You are very well rounded!
  15. “Lol at this out of touch elitist dufus” -everyone “Whoa,whoa,whoa! Wait just a minute” -you
  16. There are a couple different videos out there of the most recent “situation”. One with a jump cut or two that is also zoomed out as far as possible when BHO takes him by the arm. The other is a fairly close up view. You, Chigoose, and the good doctor are siding with the video that’s obviously misleading. It’s weird.
  17. You are putting some effort in here. Seems kind of out there but good for you. Seems like it would have been easier just to laugh at an out of touch “elite”.
  18. With Billstime seemingly on hiatus or worse, I was wondering who the first person would be to invoke Trump in this thread. Kudos to you for filling in!
  19. If you can tell me which part was deceptive editing when black Jesus grabbed Biden by the wrist to get him moving, I will give your comments some thought. This isn’t a politician stopping to wave at some supporters. It’s an 81 year-old man shuffling off the stage with prompting from a younger man. An 81 year old man with the most important job in the world. Nothing to see here! Hard to believe that you hit the submit reply button on this one edit – I don’t care that Obama reached out and grabbed Biden by the wrist to lead him off stage. What I find hilarious is that two lawyers and an alleged doctor on this board claim that it didn’t happen.
  20. I was hoping you might swing by the Schumer’s on your way home from the Maritimes.
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