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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Everybody here gives their opinion on every topic under the sun. Other than your “they didn’t want to be seen as racists” effort, nobody has anything to offer. Feeble as it was, at least you took a stab at it.
  2. It seems like a hard question to answer, at least for his fans here. All that’s been posited so far is something about not being viewed as a racist. That came from the guy that gave you a laugh emoji.
  3. Please note that I did not fact check this meme. That is a job for Frankish. I just got a laugh out of it.
  4. Can one of the FauciFanatics tell us the reason for suppressing lab leak theories?
  5. In celebration of one of your several go-to’s, allow me to share a shooting of the messenger: https://defector.com/celebrated-public-intellectual-attempts-matt-yglesias-math-falls-down-open-manhole Matt Yglesias should be able to grasp this, and indeed would grasp this, very easily, if he were as interested in learning things as he is in pretending to already have known them.
  6. Your previous post, nor my response to it, was about making a choice. It was about you excusing Biden’s feebleness as a not much to see here matter.
  7. So you think any mental issues are overstated and people should lay off the physical issues. This is because you are a partisan. On this board you have even gone so far as to offer a defense of Joe’s disowning his own granddaughter. Now view it from the perspective of anyone that’s not a partisan or rabid Trump hater if possible. It’s all part and parcel of the overall problem. He is not fit, mentally or physically, to hold the most important job in the world. Everyone knows it but the specter of the orange menace is so horrifying that people will not admit what they know to be true. Should democrats decide to replace him this summer, the Frankish’s of the world will be at the front of the line saying “well, yeah. It had to be done”.
  8. Yesterday you wanted “traitors” mowed down and today you give us this bit of genius. Nicely done.
  9. Just because I call you dim doesn’t mean you should immediately confirm it.
  10. Mayor Pete already addressed this. I don’t know what he said but I know he made the nice news lady laugh when his lips moved.
  11. Even though you are dim and unable to stay on track, I will beat my head against the wall and ask again - what was to be gained with the suppression, falsely claiming anything was debunked, and labeling people as racist in order to not look at the lab leak possiblity?
  12. Good god man. What do you call the immediate suppression of information regarding the possibility of a lab leak in 20-21? Cotton was smeared left and right over it. “Reliable” mainstream media called the possibility of a lab leak “a debunked conspiracy theory”. People were called racists for thinking it. Now the big question - why was that? What was to be gained? Scraps opines that the “experts” didn’t want to be viewed as racist. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️
  13. 70s -No Nukes 2K20s - Mo Nukes send it. Yesterday.
  14. I know there are several here that are big fans of our betters in Washington and would like bigger, better, and more of what they’ve been offering. Perhaps this thread can serve as a place to highlight the good governance we are being treated to. I’ll start: And no, I will not move to Russia.
  15. 1B in lost sales sounds like a big number but is really nothing to Big Beer. Apparently some people lost their jobs as a result of insulting their primary customers though. Good times.
  16. Is it still the scientific method when the lead scientists actively work to suppress dissent?
  17. Whether it’s Jesse Kelly or anyone else, innocent people have nothing to worry about. https://innocenceproject.org/
  18. And when the experts suppress dissent in the name of science and not wanting to be seen as racist, how do you weigh that?
  19. Maybe you are right. Are you a “just trust the experts” sort? I would like to be, but then someone like you reminds me that it’s possible the experts came together and said “let’s go with the wet market theory and suppress any dissent on the origins of the virus wreaking havoc on the world so we don’t seem racist”. Good god man.
  20. You seemed bothered by the information that redhawk consistently leaves out of his “4 out of 6 agencies” comments. Bothered to the point that you wanted to chime in. One of the other agencies assesses with “moderate confidence” that it was a lab leak. Sorry it took so long to answer your question. I thought it was rhetorical but it turns out you had no idea. What are your thoughts on why they tried to silence the lab leak theory? What was to be gained by it?
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