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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Haven’t you heard? According to Chigoose everyone is talking about sex because gay people exist. Now, I don’t know what that actually means but it seems an apt response to the stream of drivel you just posted with your last paragraph. Let’s get back to honoring the social progress of Disney drag parades and such. Even if we need an entire month to do so.
  2. “Because of maga, I will present myself as a dumbass” -4th
  3. Though it’s exceedingly rare, even a dimwit like Tiberius occasionally offers something thoughtful. Still waiting on you.
  4. I don’t have any interest in Trump crowd size whatsoever. I merely find it amusing that the geniuses at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come up with “cheap fakes”, the reliable mainstream media immediately picks up the ball and runs with it, B-H HQ create their own “cheap fake” (as every political group has been doing for ages) and you get excitable over it. Are these clowns really worth defending for you? You’ve done it with everything from their ineptitude with the Chinese spy balloon to the border disaster to claiming Ukraine is better off today than they were pre-Biden to crowd size CHEAP FAKE. Really strange.
  5. Very observant! The point, that seems to be escaping you, is that the arena was substantially reduced in size, yet Biden-Harris HQ has produced a CHEAP FAKE to make people, like you, believe it was a packed house.
  6. Who knew? Biden-Harris HQ going full CHEAP FAKE.
  7. The post-debate analysis has already been written and is being rehearsed. The only thing that will change the headline and chatter from “Biden Answers the Age Question” is if he keels over mid-debate.
  8. Honor this social progress even if you need a whole month to do so.
  9. You may not understand the usage of the word. No big deal.
  10. One guy dines with a douche, the other eulogizes a klansman. What does either have to do with the misrepresentation of the Charlottesville comments? (comments that you have uncritically bought into as shown on this message board).
  11. Nazis against Trump. No surprise. I wonder if they might end up supporting the Dem nominee whoever that might be.
  12. That doesn’t explain immediately trying to shut it down and have lab leak possibilities referred to as conspiracy theories that were debunked and people speaking of them labeled as racist. Doesn’t seem like the way that science is supposed to work.
  13. Why would this saintly man, your hero, and his cohorts have interest in quickly shutting down discussion of a potential lab leak? What was to be gained by doing so? He certainly had a reason. Hero worshipers like yourself are unwilling to offer any thought at all. Very strange.
  14. Generally an attractive gal up until the moment she speaks. She can’t be happy with the horse teeth look in this pic. Better luck next time. Truly an embarrassing performance by these two nitwits.
  15. That’s because he’s an outdoorsman and everyone knows what hikers, bicyclists, and water sportsmen the modern day NAZI is. They’re almost impossible to escape on a nice summer day.
  16. I swear I’ve seen you break out “the right can’t meme”. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  17. Haven’t seen you around since you described Biden’s foreign policy work as a master class. Master. Class. Talk about a hoax!
  18. As a matter of fact it was. Kudos to you and a self inflicted kick in the balls for me. Don’t know that I have the coordination to pull it off but will figure something out. Cheers!
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