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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Also - Miami is going to fall into the ocean.
  2. Why are you ok with government agencies tipping the scales in this way? Were you on board when the NY Post got cockblocked on the story? Is it an orange man only thing or will you be singing a different tune when it happens in reverse?
  3. Julie K or Greenwald may comment on this and render it all invalid. Nothing to see here other than democracy in action.
  4. Relax. Joe’s got this! The bad orange person won’t know what hit him but here’s a spoiler - it was a cortisone shot.
  5. I won’t put five seconds of thought into the debate. I will follow commentary of it but can’t watch either of these jokers speak for longer than ten seconds. My only interest in the last hour here is a couple folks pretending that Joe, the guy that gets fed the questions that will be asked at a press conference, wouldn’t need or want to get them for a debate that he’s prepping for over an entire week. Why does a guy that can’t be surprised by any question that could come up need to prep so long to face a dufus like Trump? He’s got the most important job in the world. Surely he knows the material.
  6. Let the questions fly. You and the dimwitted 4th have suggested that it’s unlikely Biden would be fed questions or even want to be fed questions. Considering that the old duffer gets them in advance for press conferences, I find your position to be ridiculous.
  7. 100% of threads on this board and every other board as far as I can tell, stray from the original post. I haven’t taken particular note but are you intimating that you are one that stays on topic? Reggie, the self-professed straw that stirred the drink, had plenty of company in facing racism. I wish it hadn’t happened to any of them. It’s hard to fathom. It’s a shame that modern-day leftists can’t move on and honor social change for however long it takes. Instead they view nearly everything through race and seemingly prefer division.
  8. Why does Biden get press conference questions ahead of time? Why did he recently say something to the effect of “I wish you guys would play by the rules”? See if you can stay on track and give a straight answer to those two Biden-related questions.
  9. Nor will it ever be. My opinion is it the thing the average Joe struggles with is being told day in and day out that they are racist or that there is a Klansman/Nazi waiting around every corner. Because there quite simply is not. Being told that things like fitness or punctuality are vestiges of white supremacy? Please. Or how about the level of dumbassery that it takes to tell people the out of control border situation is simply a matter of skin color?
  10. your preferred candidate gets the questions ahead of time for a press conference. Do you really think he doesn’t want them now? Or that he has not gotten them?
  11. Here’s the type of deep thinking that keeps me coming back for more! 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿🤦🏿‍♀️
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/01/11/tim-scott-explains-why-he-corrected-a-troll-who-called-him-a-house-n/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/tim-scott-proves-black-whisperer-185700323.html https://www.thedailybeast.com/tim-scotts-vision-for-america-isnt-for-black-people From the yahoo link: that his whole purpose as a Black Republican is to serve as a Trojan Horse for the GOP, a ***** Whisperer for white supremacists. If Scott is the nominee do you believe we will see more of this kind of thing, or less? It’s a rhetorical question.
  13. Awareness, young person. You can do it. I billieve in you!
  14. That’s the one. Now let’s apply the sniveling brand of communication you practiced within the last hour… wow, you’re telling me that the leftist group Climate Power, described in your link from the leftist outlet HuffPost as a left-leaning organization focused on combating climate change, is telling us how wonderful the “Inflation Reduction Act” is? Will you please start showing some awareness?
  15. If you accept any of the doomsday predictions as fact, you are the one ignoring reality. There’s nothing mysterious here. All these people that have told us there is only 5/8/10 years to save the planet have been wrong.
  16. To your credit, there is nothing wrong with what you posted. You make it sound like none of that is happening though. It’s happening in every metropolitan area in America. The hilariously named “Inflation Reduction Act” is believed to be the greatest climate change panacea ever delivered to the people. What more are you looking for at this point?
  17. Every doomsday prediction over the last 50 years has been an absolute joke, you believe Miami will be sinking into the ocean (but that’s just you), and it’s everyone else that’s incoherent?
  18. LOLOLOL who is the lady on the cover of Hillary’s book? Good lord.
  19. https://www.maciverinstitute.com/2024/03/the-end-has-been-nigh-for-more-than-50-years-now/ https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/18-spectacularly-wrong-predictions-made-around-the-time-of-first-earth-day-in-1970-expect-more-this-year-3/ Don’t spend so much time being afraid.
  20. That was spillage that a low-level staffer made happen to him. Pretty sure that was the original argument from Chigoose.
  21. Even you know that lefties use the race card as a weapon. It’s the sort of thing that leads one of the more unhinged (white) lefty’s of this board to throw “Uncle Tom” around and declare it’s not a slur. If you want to pretend that’s not true, feel free. Lefties also believe all women right up to a certain ideological point.
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