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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. What difference does that distinction make? You want ideas silenced. Which ones and where is your line drawn?
  2. Would you like to share your list of speech you want banned? Please be sure to include the line in the sand that works for you.
  3. Yet you had no position on the Ayatollah. The way you pick and choose is very interesting.
  4. I don’t waste my time worrying about every loser antisemite out there. If I did, the Omar’s, Tlaib’s, and Bowman’s would have set me off long ago. Better to expose their sort and defeat them with ideas rather than censorship
  5. It’s more that the younger, Karen-ish “progressives” just aren’t very witty. Too busy railing against farmers, whitey, Orangeman.
  6. Understood. Do you know anyone mildly clever or witty that might be able to help out?
  7. The edgy thing is failing you. Try intelligent. You can’t do any worse.
  8. Can we expect another performance from you like the one you put out the day Stormy testified? From a sheer volume perspective you put on a clinic that day!
  9. You seem pretty enthusiastic today! Cortisone shot?
  10. But you, the deep thinker that declares the border disaster to be about skin color, does. Good heavens.
  11. I have no qualms with gay or non-gay people liking whatever they like. You seem to have a different view. So long as you honor it at the level you have told others they should.
  12. Either way, we should honor this social progress. For a month if need be. Pride and all that.
  13. That’s interesting. One of the more deranged posters here, one that leans a touch to the left, is a big fan. I’m almost certain you’ve seen some of the many posts. Good on you for being oblivious!
  14. Rick Wilson has a Confederate flag beer cooler and openly associates with pedophiles but he’s ok with tibs and billsy because he’s anti-Trump. Whatever gets you through the day for those with TDS even if it means excusing racism and pedophilia.
  15. That’s some dare! “James Kirkpatrick”, whoever he is, sounds like a 2024 democrat with his antisemitism. I’m sorry that your twitter feed leads you to him. Your preference for censorship over more speech has you in the position of defending the ayatollah. Bizarre. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/06/iran-ayatollah-ali-khamenei-twitter-anti-semitism/676798/ Before you start whining about the source please understand that The Atlantic is a liberal publication.
  16. Did you actually type that or were you hacked? The Ayatollah doesn’t have much to say about Jews. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♂️ Army of groypers…lol. Chilling!
  17. Can I find within these scholarly pages your criticism of twitter for allowing Ayatollah Khamenei unfettered access? If not, why not? How many nazis have you encountered in your life? I’ve never seen one. I don’t know how the roundys and billsies get so lucky.
  18. Justice Louis D. Brandeis established it in his classic concurring opinion in Whitney v. California (1927), when he wrote: “If there be time to expose through discussion, the falsehoods and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.” The modern left, particularly the younger faction, seems to disagree. There will come a time when the censors come for you and those that share your thinking. You won’t like it.
  19. Is this bad? I guess it depends on the color of their skin. I don’t want to misjudge without having all the facts.
  20. Honor this social progress for a month if that’s what you need. If you don’t have enough time left in June for the necessary honoring, the next opportunity begins July 16 when nonbinary awareness week kicks off.
  21. Musk is a douche! He’s just showing off with landing the boosters.
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